
In: Computer Science

In MATLAB define a function named primes that takes a non-negative integer, ?, as its only...

In MATLAB define a function named primes that takes a non-negative integer, ?, as its only argument and returns a row vector containing the first ? prime numbers in order. Assume that the first prime number is 2.  Other than the zeros function, the ones function, and the colon (:) operator, you may not use any Matlab built-in array functions.


Expert Solution

function [primes] = findFirstNPrimes(N)

%returns the array with first n primes

%first prime

primes(1) = 2;

i = 3;

while length(primes) <= N

%taking remainder with all the primes so far

remainder = mod(i,primes);

% if all inNotPrime is 0 the number is a prime since remainder is

% not zero for all the numbers in prime

isNotPrime = sum((remainder == 0));

%adding prime number to the array

if (isNotPrime==0)

primes(end + 1) = i;


%checking for next the number

i =i+ 1;



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