
In: Computer Science

C++ Only Create a function named PrintStudents, which takes a string input filename and an integer...

C++ Only

Create a function named PrintStudents, which takes a string input filename and an integer minimum score value and a string output file name as a parameters. The function will read the student scores and names from the file and output the names of the students with scores greater than or equal to the value given. This function returns the integer number of entries read from the file. If the input file cannot be opened, return -1 and do not print anything to the file.

Read each line from the given filename, parse the data, process the data, and write the required information to the file.

Each line of the file contains <FIRST-NAME LAST-NAME>, <SCORE>, <SUBJECT> . Read and parse the data, then write to the output file the names and classes for scores matching the criteria.

Example: With the following data and value of 80:

Constance Shelton, 67, APPM 2002
Charlotte Edwards, 85, CSCI 1300
Alyssa Hill, 78, MATH 1000
Pat Owens, 75, HUMN 1342
Shannon Jimenez, 96, LING 2000
Kristen Swanson, 80, PSYC 1001
Jim Schwartz, 60, CVEN 3241

Your function should return 7 and output to the file should contain:

Charlotte Edwards, CSCI 1300
Shannon Jimenez, LING 200
Kristen Swanson, PSYC 1001

You only need to write the function code for PrintStudents. The split() function is provided, and functions as it does in the homework assignments, to make parsing the output easier. Recall that split takes a string s and splits it at the input delimiter sep, to fill the array words[] up to a capacity of max_words. The return value of split is the number of actual words the string is split into.

int split(string s, char sep, string words[], int max_words);


Expert Solution


#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

// function declaration

int PrintStudents(string inputFile, int min_score,string outputFile);

int split(string s,char sep, string words[], int max_words );

int main() {

// test the function

int n = PrintStudents("students.txt",80,"outStudents.txt");

if(n != -1)

cout<<"\n No. of students : "<<n<<endl;


cout<<"\n No such file exists";

return 0;


// function to write the details of the students whose score >= min_score

// inputs : input file, minimum score and output file

// output : number of records read, -1 if error

int PrintStudents(string inputFile, int min_score,string outputFile)

{ // open the input file

ifstream fin(inputFile.c_str());

// if input file can be opened


{ // open the output file for writing

ofstream fout(outputFile.c_str());

int n=0,score;

string line;

string words[3];

// read till the end of file





// get the score from the record read

score = split(line,',',words,3);

// check if score>=min_score, then write to output file

if(score >= min_score)

fout<<words[0]<<", "<<words[2]<<"\n";




// close the files



return n; // return the number of records read




return -1; // file not found



// function to split a string on a given separator and return the score

// inputs : string , word separator, array of words and max_words

// output is the score

int split(string s,char sep, string words[], int max_words )


int index=0,i=0 ;

//loop to extract the words from the line

while(s.find(sep,index+1)!= -1){

words[i] = s.substr(index,s.find(sep,index+1)-index);


index = s.find(sep,index+1)+2;


words[i] = s.substr(index); // extract the last word

// convert to integer and return the score






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