
In: Economics

What is meant by ‘the end of easy oil’? What is ‘shale revolution’?

The readings covered are:

  1. The End of Easy Everything, Michael T. Klare

QUESTION: What is meant by ‘the end of easy oil’? What is ‘shale revolution’? (3+3=6 marks)


Expert Solution

Easy oils are the oil whose production does not require those large inputs. The end of easy Oil means that oil is no longer in plentiful supply. The time when we count on cheap oil and even cheaper natural gas is clearly ending. To support our modern lifestyles the world has used more than one trillion barrels of oil to date. Soon, there will be end of easy access of oil.

The Shale Revolution alludes to the combination of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling that empowered the United States to significantly expand its production of oil and natural gas, especially from tight oil formations.

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