
In: Economics

What is industrial revolution, political revolution, scientific revolution and french revolution?

What is industrial revolution, political revolution, scientific revolution and french revolution?


Expert Solution


Industrial revolution is also refereed to first industrial revolution in Europe and united states it is considered as the change to new manufacturing process. Industrial revolution take place at 1820s .The major change is that hand production changed to machinery production. Steam power, water power or other increase in use to machinery tools are all significant at thee time. Mach9nized factory system was evolved during industrial revolution. The significant or dominant industry at the time of industrial revolution was textile. Capital invested and the output value was the major changes there. The revolution has its influence in different aspect of life. Standard of living was the major effect of the revolution. Second industrial revolution is at 1870s.It includes other developments such as electrical grid systems, mass production, steel making process, and large scale manufacturing tools etc.


Political revolution is taking placed in the history of Trotskyism. The revolution had made change in Power structure or its replacement but it doesn’t change the property relations. The revolutions take place in France during 1830 and in 1848 are also considered as political revolutions. Population revolts against the government power are thee cause for political revolutions. People rises with revolution is for a developed improved government system. Complete or whole overthrown of government is also doesn’t happen in some revolutions. They are also considered as political revolutions as significant changes are made in power systems. It is relatively faster changes so referred as revolution.


The revolution of 1789 was popularly known as French revolution. The major reasons for the occurrence of French revolution are political conflicts , economic hardships , social antagonism between two rising groups , enlighten etc. French revolution had great impact in the whole world. It repercussion includes igniting the age of revolutions, listening to the importance of religion, spread of liberalism and rise of modern nationalism. Finally revolution resulted in the establishment of democratic government in Europe. The fundamental principle of the revolution was fraternity, liberty


The series off events which marked thee emergence of modern science is known as scientific revolution. During the 16 and 17 the centuries drastic change took place in the scientific thought. It emphasized on experimentation which is considered as the most valid method for conducting research. It gradually resulted in the development of chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy and mathematics. The revolution was happened mainly due to the findings of Nicholas Copernicus that sun is thee center of universe which is published in year 1500.the revolution ended up in 1687


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