In: Physics
1. Calculate the permeability of electrons with energy of 0.1 eV
and 0.5 eV respectively when penetrating a positional energy
barrier of 1.0 eV in height and 100 pm in length by tunnel
k Attachment image=[2m(V-E)]^1/2
T={1+(e^kL-e^-kL)^2/16ε(1-ε)}^-1 (ε= E/V)
2. Explain the meaning of tunneling covered in the above problem
with the wave and explain the difference between classical and
quantum mechanics based on it.
Given that
V = 1 eV - height of potential barrier
L - length of potential barrier = 100 pm =
Case 1
case 2
The process involved here is quantum tunneling.
In case of a potential barrier of barrier potential V and the energy of the particle E, there will be 3 possible scenarios.
in this case, the particle is a free particle and will go undeviatingly classically and quantum mechanically.
E = V
In this case, the particle will undergo scattering.
This is the classically forbidden region ie the particle can not cross the barrier in a classical scenario. But quantum mechanically, there is a nonzero probability that the particle can cross through the barrier even if it has less energy. This pheonomena is known as tunneling.