
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Core Competency paper (2-3 pages) I DID VOLUNTEER AT HOSPITAL Communication- I am communicating with Patients,...

Core Competency paper (2-3 pages) I DID VOLUNTEER AT HOSPITAL

Communication- I am communicating with Patients, Nurse, Doctor, and Consulter.
Teamwork & Collaboration – I am shadowing with nurses, asking to advise from specialists and counters.
Information Literacy – Research online sources, medical medicine.
Global Awareness – I plan to help my country in the advancement of medical procedure.


Expert Solution

Volunteers play an important role in today's hospitals. They help the hospital run smoothly, and allow doctors and nurses to spend their time focusing on providing the best healthcare for their patients. Volunteers assist hospital employees in caring for patients and visitors.There are variety of areas that depend on volunteers, encompassing all skill sets.A hospital volunteer works in a hospital without regular pay. They essentially donate their time and skills to help the hospital and community. The mission of the Volunteer Services Department at Johnson Memorial Health is to "serve everyone in our hospital and community with dignity, respect, and equality.


1. Listen to what the referred patient has to say. Allow the referred patients to express their feelings and ask questions. Do not overwhelm them with your experience, suggestions and general information. Let the new patients express their emotion

2. Visit and take pictures with you. At some time during your contact with the referred parents, have a few pictures of your child from birth to the present with you. Have pictures of you before and after treatment. Referred parents/caregivers may be anxious to see how other patients with the same diagnosis or special needs look when they are older or have finished treatment.

3. Be sure to relate to the baby or child when visiting a family. Hold and play with the child. If the child has an obvious special need, you may be the first to relate positively other than the family. Also acknowledge the spouse and siblings.

4. Encourage parents/caregivers to take pictures of their child or patient. An opportunity once lost can never be regained. Regardless of what they think their child/patient looks like, encourage parents/caregivers to take pictures from the beginning. 5. Supporting parents/caregivers need to be aware that transportation to services may be an issue. A referred parent/caregiver may need transportation to a service, or perhaps may need moral support to get there. If necessary, accompany them rather than have them miss an appointment.

6. Be a support for your referred family. A referred parent/caregiver may need support until they are able to cope with the situation. However, care should be taken to avoid dependency.Public reporting will serve to enhance public accountability in health care by increasing the transparency of the quality of hospital care provided in return for the public investmentVolunteers, have a great impact on patient satisfaction because in many cases, at some point in their lives, they have also been patients or family members involved in the care of a loved one. "They can empathize and understand what a patient may need in that given moment in a way that a staff member may not be able to."


Working in groups of volunteers who are different in age and background is an excellent way to develop teamwork competences, “people skills: communication, organizing teamwork, empathy, listening”. These so-called “soft skills” are crucial to a healthy and successful work environment, and even more important for leadership roles.that has provided them with these skills. Teamwork and collaboration competences are beneficial for any professional endeavour, and are required for communal cooperation.


A majority of survey respondents believed that providing consumer health information resources was critically important to fulfilling their institutions' missions and that their hospitals could improve health information literacy by increasing awareness of its impact on patient care and by training staff to become more knowledgeable about health literacy barriers. The study showed that a librarian-taught health information literacy curriculum did raise awareness about the issue among the target group and increased both the use of National Library of Medicine consumer health resources and referrals to librarians for health information literacy support.

  • Health care providers responded positively to a health information literacy curriculum offered by librarians and to related resources and services, namely MedlinePlus and the information referral system known as Information Rx.

  • Participation in a curriculum increased health care providers' knowledge of health information literacy, awareness of available consumer health information, and referral of patients to the library for additional assistance.

  • Librarian involvement in health information literacy increased the profession's visibility and perceived value.

  • Consumer health information services and resources offered by librarians can improve the health information literacy skills of health care providers and their patients.

  • Training by librarians can increase knowledge of the importance of health information literacy and usage of MedlinePlus and Information Rxs.

  • Hospital-based administrators and health care providers can be champions in support of health information literacy and consumer health information services offered by libraries


Interns assist in local public healthcare centers, clinics, and hospitals that provide free medical and social services, as well as health and safety information to community members. Interns put their time, medical skills and abilities to use in this program, working with clinic staff, assisting in medical procedures, health and safety workshops, and information sessions.

Participants assist in social services, spending quality time with patients, reading or playing games, and helping improve the overall quality of the patients stay at the hospital. Students with medical experience/training would be able to assist doctors at a local community center in a variety of different areas depending on his or her specific previous experience and capacities.We work with a large variety of companies and organizations that offer programs in several different fields, many of which accept students with a limited Spanish level. Yet, the better your Spanish level, the more options you will have to choose from! Also, with a higher level of Spanish, volunteers are able to receive more responsibilities and tasks which will contribute to a more enriching and meaningful experience

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