
In: Economics

A is an open economic in a long run.C = 25+0.92(Y-T)Y=6755G=164T=104I=1406-13r...

A is an open economic in a long run.

C = 25+0.92(Y-T)







If r* change to 10, and NX change to 200-10e

Find impact on ouptut and real exchange rate and all other aggregate variables.

Provide the status quo and the change brought in. numerical, diagrams and interpretation are required

Is this a good thing or not?


Expert Solution

In an open economy,

C = 25 + 0.92 (Y – T)

Y = 6755

G = 164

T = 104

I = 1406 – 13 r

NX = 100 – 10 e

r* = 19

We know that, at equilibrium,

Y = C + I + G +NX

Or, 6755 = 25 + 0.92 (6755 – 104) + 1406 – (13 * 19) + 164 + 100 – 10 e

Or, 6755 = 25 + 6118.92 + 1406 – 247 + 264 – 10 e

Or, 10 e = 811.92

Or, e = 81.192 ...........................................(1)

So, when r* = 19,

Y* = 6755

C* = 25 + 0.92 (Y – T) = 25 + 0.92 (6755 – 104) = 6143.92

I* = 1406 – 13 r* = 1406 – (13 * 19) = 1406 – 247 = 1159

And, we know that, at equilibrium,

I* = S*

So, S* = 1159

NX = 100 - 10 e = 100 - 811.92 = -711.92

Now, rNew* = 10 , NXNew = 200 - 10 e

At equilibrium,

Y = C + I + G +NX

Or, Y = 25 + 0.92 (Y – 104) + 1406 – (13 * 10) + 164 + 200 – (10 * 81.192)[because, e = 81.192, from equation (1)]

Or, 0.08 Y = 25 – 95.68 + 1406 – 130 + 364 – 811.92

Or, 0.08 Y = 757.4

Or, YNew* = 9467.5

CNew* = 25 + 0.92 (Y – T) = 25 + 0.92 (9467.5 – 104) = 8639.42

INew* = 1406 – 13 rNew* = 1406 – (13 * 10) = 1406 – 130 = 1276

And, we know that, at equilibrium,

INew* = SNew*

So, SNew* = 1276

NXNew = 200 - 10 e = 200 - 811.92 = - 611.92

∆ = Final Impact – Initial Impact

∆NX = NXNew – NX = (- 611.92) – (- 711.92) = 100

∆Y = YNew* - Y* = 9467.5 – 6755 = 2712.5

∆r = rNew* - r* = 19 – 10 = 9

∆I = INew* - I* = 1276 – 1159 = 117

∆S = SNew* - S* = 1276 – 1159 = 117

∆C= CNew* - C* = 8639.42 – 6143.92 = 2495.5

Y has inceased, also C, S, I and NX has increased. It is obviously a good thing. The economy is expanding.

ISOLD : Y = 25 + 0.92(Y – 104) + 1406 – 13 r + 164 + 100 – 10 e

So, 0.08 Y = 25 - (0.92 * 104) + 1406 – 13 r + 264 – 10 e

dY/dr = - 13/0.08

So, slope of ISOLD = dr/dY = - 0.08/13 = - 0.0062 (approx)

ISNEW : YNEW = 25 + 0.92(Y – 104) + 1406 – 13 rNEW + 164 + 200 – 10 e

So, 0.08 YNEW = 25 - (0.92 * 104) + 1406 – 13 rNEW + 364 – 10 e

dYNEW/drNEW = - 13/0.08

So, slope of ISNEW = drNEW/dYNEW = - 0.08/13 = - 0.0062(approx)

So, both the slope of the IS curves are the same.

So, ISNEW is a rightward shift of ISOLD whose slope is - 0.0062.

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