
In: Nursing

I am a believer in individuality rather than any outside source for my illness. I do...

I am a believer in individuality rather than any outside source for my illness. I do a lot of reading about health and am aware of the different ways in which I can fall sick. Yet I know that science cannot answer all the questions regarding the cause of illness. I believe in the power of God and power of karma but I think illness has many reasons beyond it. Bad eating habits especially the addiction to junk food has given us a lot of health problems. I am a supporter of the biomedical approach, because they systematically treat the patient after doing diagnostic tests. There are some herbal remedies that my family is aware for ailments like coughs and colds. But when it comes to surgery or other major problems I always take the biomedical approach. My family means a lot to me when I am sick. My mother makes easily digestible soups and keeps advising me even when I am away from her. I feel I recover faster when my family is around. I also have a group of friends who support me when I am sick. I believe in doing good deeds and not hurting others. Conflicts with others have always made me feel uneasy so I try and avoid conflicts as far as possible.   Some members of my family consider illness to be a punishment from God, but I do not have such beliefs because I feel that there are hardly any people who are completely free from illness all the time. I believe in taking all the preventive measures possible and treating the illness as soon as I see the symptoms, because I value my health.

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Expert Solution

studies show people who exhibit self-confidence are generally healthier and tend to live longer. That's because confidence is a positive emotion (as are joy, gratitude and hope), and positive emotions have countless health benefits for your mind, body and spirit.

Self-confidence is an optimistic belief in your personal worth. Optimism protects the mind against depression and reduces stress. In general, optimistic people are more satisfied and more successful than those who are pessimistic.

The link between health and confidence also may be related to the ability of positive emotions to boost our brain's power to hold attention, be aware and remember things. We are better able to learn, build new skills and relate with others when we are feeling optimistic.

A healthy self-esteem can go a long way in enabling increased productivity, better interactions and higher levels of overall happiness. Ensuring mental wellbeing is an essential part of healthy living. It is as important as eating healthy food, exercising, and maintaining good relationships.A spiritual history helps physicians recognize when cases need to be referred to chaplains. It opens the door to conversation about values and beliefs, uncovers coping mechanisms and support systems, reveals positive and negative spiritual coping, and provides an opportunity for compassionate care.

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