
In: Computer Science

Getting an error with my for loop.  How do I correct it?  I am supposed to: Continuously prompt...

Getting an error with my for loop.  How do I correct it?  I am supposed to: Continuously prompt for the number of minutes of each Rental until the value falls between 60 and 7,200 inclusive. For one of the Rental objects, create a loop that displays Coupon good for 10percent off next rental as many times as there are full hours in the Rental.

package java1;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class RentalDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
   Rental object1 = new Rental();
   Rental object2 = new Rental();
   Rental object3 = new Rental();
   String contractNumber;
   int hours;
   int minutes;
   int totalMins;
   Scanner input = new Scanner(;
              System.out.println("RENTAL 1: ");
              System.out.println("Enter contract number: ");
              contractNumber = input.nextLine();
              System.out.println("Enter rental hours: ");
              hours = input.nextInt();
              System.out.println("Enter rental minutes: ");
              minutes = input.nextInt();
              System.out.println("RENTAL 2: ");input.nextLine();
              System.out.println("Enter contract number: ");
              contractNumber = input.nextLine();
              System.out.println("Enter rental hours: ");
              hours = input.nextInt();
              System.out.println("Enter rental minutes: ");
              minutes = input.nextInt();
              System.out.println("RENTAL 3: ");input.nextLine();
              System.out.println("Enter contract number: ");
              contractNumber = input.nextLine();
              System.out.println("Enter rental hours: ");
              hours = input.nextInt();
              System.out.println("Enter rental minutes: ");
              minutes = input.nextInt();
                  System.out.println("Get largest rental between event # 1 and event # 2 is :");
                     displayobject1(getRentalWithLongerTime(object1, object2));
                     System.out.println("Get largest rental between event # 2 and event # 3 is :");
                     displayobject2(getRentalWithLongerTime(object2, object3));
                    System.out.println("Get largest rental from event # 1 and event # 3 is :");
                     displayobject3(getRentalWithLongerTime(object1, object3));
                   for (int r = 0; r < totalMins; r++) {
                object4[r] = new Rental();
                do {
                            System.out.println("RENTAL: ");
                            System.out.println("Enter contract number: ");
                            contractNumber = input.nextLine();
                            System.out.println("Enter the total time of the rental (in minutes): ");
                            totalMins = input.nextInt();
                            System.out.println("The rental time must be between 60 minutes and 7,200 minutes");
                            }while(!(totalMins >= 60 && totalMins <= 7200));
                   for(int i=0;i                              System.out.println("");
                             System.out.println("!!!!! This coupon is good for 10 percent off your next rental !!!!!"); }}}
                             private static void displayobject1(Rental object1) {
                           System.out.println("Rental Contract number: "+object1.getContractNumber()+", Time: "+object1.getRentalTimeHours()+"h+"+object1.getRentalTimeMins()+"m, Price: $"+object1.calculateRentalPrice());        }
               private static void displayobject2(Rental object2);{
                           System.out.println("Rental Contract number: "+object2.getContractNumber()+", Time: "+object2.getRentalTimeHours()+"h+"+object2.getRentalTimeMins()+"m, Price: $"+object2.calculateRentalPrice());     
                      private static void displayobject3(Rental object3) {
                           System.out.println("Rental Contract number: "+object3.getContractNumber()+", Time: "+object3.getRentalTimeHours()+"h+"+object3.getRentalTimeMins()+"m, Price: $"+object3.calculateRentalPrice());       }
                           public static Rental getRentalWithLongerTime(Rental rental1, Rental rental2){
              double totalTimeRental1 = rental1.getRentalTimeHours()+ rental1.getRentalTimeMins()/60;
              double totalTimeRental2 = rental2.getRentalTimeHours()+ rental2.getRentalTimeMins()/60;
                           if(totalTimeRental1>= totalTimeRental2)
                  return rental1;             
                  return rental2;  }
       public static void displayMotto() {

public class Rental {
   private String contractNum;
   private int rentalTimeHours;
   private int rentalTimeMins;
   public String getContractNumber() {
   return contractNum;
   public void setContractNumber(String contractNumber) {
   this.contractNum = contractNumber;
   public int getRentalTimeHours() {
   return rentalTimeHours;
   public void setRentalTimeHours(int rentalTimeHours) {
   this.rentalTimeHours = rentalTimeHours;
   public int getRentalTimeMins() {
   return rentalTimeMins;
   public void setRentalTimeMins(int rentalTimeMins) {
   this.rentalTimeMins = rentalTimeMins;
       public double calculateRentalPrice(){
       int pricePerHour = 40;
   int pricePerMinute = 1;
       int minutesThatCount;
   minutesThatCount = this.getRentalTimeMins();
   minutesThatCount = 40;
   int HoursPrice = this.getRentalTimeHours()*pricePerHour ;
   int MinutesPrice = minutesThatCount*pricePerMinute;
   int totalRentalPrice = HoursPrice + MinutesPrice;
      return totalRentalPrice;


Expert Solution

Short Summary:

  • Provided the source code and sample output as per the requirements.

Source Code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class RentalDemo {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Rental object1 = new Rental();
   Rental object2 = new Rental();
   Rental object3 = new Rental();
   // Create array of rentals with size 3
   Rental rentals[] = new Rental[3];
   // Store all the three objects into array
   rentals[0] = object1;
   rentals[1] = object2;
   rentals[2] = object3;
   String contractNumber;
   int hours;
   int minutes;
   Scanner input = new Scanner(;
       System.out.println("RENTAL 1: ");
       System.out.println("Enter contract number: ");
       contractNumber = input.nextLine();
       System.out.println("Enter rental hours: ");
       hours = input.nextInt();
       System.out.println("Enter rental minutes: ");
       minutes = input.nextInt();
       System.out.println("RENTAL 2: ");input.nextLine();
       System.out.println("Enter contract number: ");
       contractNumber = input.nextLine();
       System.out.println("Enter rental hours: ");
       hours = input.nextInt();
       System.out.println("Enter rental minutes: ");
       minutes = input.nextInt();
       System.out.println("RENTAL 3: ");input.nextLine();
       System.out.println("Enter contract number: ");
       contractNumber = input.nextLine();
       System.out.println("Enter rental hours: ");
       hours = input.nextInt();
       System.out.println("Enter rental minutes: ");
       minutes = input.nextInt();
   System.out.println("Get largest rental between event # 1 and event # 2 is :");
   displayobject1(getRentalWithLongerTime(object1, object2));
   System.out.println("Get largest rental between event # 2 and event # 3 is :");
   displayobject2(getRentalWithLongerTime(object2, object3));
   System.out.println("Get largest rental from event # 1 and event # 3 is :");
   displayobject3(getRentalWithLongerTime(object1, object3));
   int totalMins;
   for (int r = 0; r < rentals.length; r++) {
       // get the total mintues until >=60 and <= 7200
           do {
   System.out.println("RENTAL " + (r+1) + ": ");
   System.out.println("Enter the total time of the rental (in minutes): ");
   totalMins = input.nextInt();
   // Display error only when there is error
   if(!(totalMins >= 60 && totalMins <= 7200)) {
       System.out.println("The rental time must be between 60 minutes and 7,200 minutes");
   } while(!(totalMins >= 60 && totalMins <= 7200));
           int totalRentalMints = (rentals[r].getRentalTimeHours() * 60) + rentals[r].getRentalTimeMins();
           while(totalRentalMints >= totalMins) {
               System.out.println("$" + (rentals[r].calculateRentalPrice() * .10) + " Off");
   System.out.println("!!!!! This coupon is good for 10 percent off your next rental !!!!!");
   totalRentalMints -= totalMins;


   private static void displayobject1(Rental object1) {
               "Rental Contract number: " + object1.getContractNumber() + ", Time: " + object1.getRentalTimeHours()
                       + "h+" + object1.getRentalTimeMins() + "m, Price: $" + object1.calculateRentalPrice());

   private static void displayobject2(Rental object2){
   System.out.println("Rental Contract number: "+object2.getContractNumber()+
           ", Time: "+object2.getRentalTimeHours()+"h+"
           +object2.getRentalTimeMins()+"m, Price: $"+object2.calculateRentalPrice());

   private static void displayobject3(Rental object3) {
               "Rental Contract number: " + object3.getContractNumber() + ", Time: " + object3.getRentalTimeHours()
                       + "h+" + object3.getRentalTimeMins() + "m, Price: $" + object3.calculateRentalPrice());

   public static Rental getRentalWithLongerTime(Rental rental1, Rental rental2) {
       double totalTimeRental1 = rental1.getRentalTimeHours() + rental1.getRentalTimeMins() / 60;
       double totalTimeRental2 = rental2.getRentalTimeHours() + rental2.getRentalTimeMins() / 60;
       if (totalTimeRental1 >= totalTimeRental2)
           return rental1;
           return rental2;

   public static void displayMotto() {

public class Rental {
   private String contractNum;
   private int rentalTimeHours;
   private int rentalTimeMins;
   public Rental() {
       contractNum = "";
       rentalTimeHours = 0;
       rentalTimeMins = 0;

   public String getContractNumber() {
       return contractNum;

   public void setContractNumber(String contractNumber) {
       this.contractNum = contractNumber;

   public int getRentalTimeHours() {
       return rentalTimeHours;

   public void setRentalTimeHours(int rentalTimeHours) {
       this.rentalTimeHours = rentalTimeHours;

   public int getRentalTimeMins() {
       return rentalTimeMins;

   public void setRentalTimeMins(int rentalTimeMins) {
       this.rentalTimeMins = rentalTimeMins;

   public double calculateRentalPrice() {
       int pricePerHour = 40;
       int pricePerMinute = 1;
       int minutesThatCount;
       if (this.getRentalTimeMins() <= 40) {
           minutesThatCount = this.getRentalTimeMins();
       } else {
           minutesThatCount = 40;
       int HoursPrice = this.getRentalTimeHours() * pricePerHour;
       int MinutesPrice = minutesThatCount * pricePerMinute;
       int totalRentalPrice = HoursPrice + MinutesPrice;
       return totalRentalPrice;

Sample Run:


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