
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Should Neandertals be included in our species (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) or should they be their own...

Should Neandertals be included in our species (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) or should they be their own species (Homo neanderthalensis)? Why or why not? (Use evidence to back up your stance and cite your sources.)


Expert Solution

Who were the Neanderthals ?

Human evolution expert Prof Chris Stringer has studied Neanderthals in his entire career.He tells us what has been uncovered about the lifestyle of these humans, their characteristics and what they were like.Neanderthals were humans like us but they were a distinct species called Homo Neanderthals.They are considered as the closest ancient human relatives.

Neanderthals are an extinct species or subspecies of humans in the genus Homo, who lived within Eurasia until 40,000 years ago.There scientific classification is given as :

Kingdom : Animalia

Phylum : Chordata

Class Mammalia

Order: Primates

Suborder : Haplorhini

Family : Homonidae

Subfamily : Homoninae

Genus : Homo

Species : H.neanderthalensis

Binomial Name : Homo neanderthalensis

Neanderthals are named after one of the first sites where their fossils were discovered in the Neander valley.The binomial name Homo neanderthalensis meaning " Neanderthal man" from the individual type specimen to the entire group was first proposed by Anglo-Irish geologist William king in 1863 although in the following year he stated that the specimen was not human and rejected the name.

Ever since the discovery of Neanderthal fossils, expert opinion has been divided as to whether Neanderthal should be considered a separate species (Homo Neanderthals ) or a subspecies (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) relative to modern human.A Swedish biologist Paabo described such "taxonomic wars" as unresolveable in principle, since there is no definition of species perfectly describing the case.Some authorities preferring the classification of Neanderthals as subspecies have introduced the name Homo sapiens sapiens while those preferring the classification as separate species introduced the name homo sapiens which is equivalent to modern humans.

Source 1 - In an extensive, multi institution study led by SUNY Downstate Medical center, researchers have identified new evidence supporting the growing belief that Neanderthals were a distinct species separate from modern humans(Homo sapiens) and not a subspecises of modern humans.The study looked at the entire nasal complex of Neanderthals and involved researchers with diverse academic backgrounds, supported from National Institute of Health.It indicates that the Neanderthal nasal complex was not adaptively inferior to that of modern humans, but they were extinct from modern human due to competition from modern humans and not an inability of Neanderthal nose to process a colder or drier climate.

Source 2 - Dr. Marquez and his team of paleoanthropologists, anatomists and otolaryngologist have contributed to the understanding of Neanderthals were they stated that _ Neanderthals were a different species from modern humans and ehich the aspects of their cranial morphology evolved as adaptations to cold stress.The strategy was to compare the nasal region of modern human population with the fossil evidence by using traditional morphometrics, geometric morphometric methodology based on 3D co ordinate data and ct imaging by Dr. Marquez.

Source 3 - Co author William Lawson, MD,DDs, vice chair and the research professor of otolaryngology and director of paleorhinology laboratory of Icahn School of medicine notes that the external nasal aperture of Neanderthals approximates some modern human populations but their mid face protrusion is different.This difference is one of the evidence suggesting an evolutionary development distinction from that of modern Humans.

Source 4 - Dr. Laitman's body of work has shown that there are clear differences in the vocal tract proportions of Neanderthals when compared to modern human.This contribution has now identified differences in nasal structure and function.By looking at the complete morphological pattern , we can conclude that Neanderthals are our close relatives but are not Humans.

Thus comparing all the biological, anatomical,research and publications we can conclude that Neanderthals are a close relative of Homo sapiens and are a separate species named Homo neanderthals and are not included in our species.

Hope the answer was helpful.

Thanks :)

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