
In: Anatomy and Physiology

What is the difference between Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis in terms of brain case (the...

  • What is the difference between Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis in terms of brain case (the part of the brain containing skull)
  • In terms of teeth, how is Homo sapiens different from Homo neanderthalensis?
  • How is Homo sapiens different from Homo neanderthalensis in terms of the face, including the jaws (and the projection of the jaws)?


Expert Solution

Difference between Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis in terms of brain case (the part of the skull containing brain) cranium we generally say. Well in homosapiens the brain is larger when compared to the homoneanderthalensis so skull in sapiens is have short base and high braincase compared to the homo neanderthalensis.

In Homo sapiens sapiens Enamel height is comparatively great with homo neanderthalensis . In neanderthalensis pulp height and width and the height of the enamel to floor of the pulp chamber are greater.

Neanderthalensis head is much longer than sapiens. Neanderthalensis  have pronounced facial front compared to homo sapiens . The Neanderthal chin and forehead sloped backwards where as not the same case in sapiens and the nose region protruded forward more than in homo sapiens . The common shapes of the nose are not known but in general it was likely more robust, and possibly slightly larger in neanderthal than in homo sapiens.

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