
In: Computer Science

Create a class named Sandwich that contains the following data fields: MainIngredient - of type String...

Create a class named Sandwich that contains the following data fields:

  • MainIngredient - of type String
  • Bread - of type String
  • Price - of type Double

Include get and set methods for these fields. The methods should be prefixed with 'get' or 'set' respectively, followed by the field name using camel case. For example, setMainIngredient.

Use the application named TestSandwich that instantiates one Sandwich object and demonstrates the use of the set and get methods to test your class.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (provided):

class TestSandwich
public static void main (String args[])
Sandwich sandwich = new Sandwich();
System.out.println("You have ordered a " +
sandwich.getMainIngredient() + " sandwich on " +
sandwich.getBread() + " bread, and the price is " + sandwich.getPrice());


Expert Solution

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class Sandwich{

    private String MainIngredient;

    private String Bread;

    private Double Price;




    Sandwich(String m_ing, String bread, Double price){

        MainIngredient = m_ing;

        Bread = bread;

        Price = price;



     * @return the mainIngredient


    public String getMainIngredient() {

        return MainIngredient;



     * @return the bread


    public String getBread() {

        return Bread;



     * @return the price


    public Double getPrice() {

        return Price;



     * @param mainIngredient the mainIngredient to set


    public void setMainIngredient(String mainIngredient) {

        MainIngredient = mainIngredient;



     * @param bread the bread to set


    public void setBread(String bread) {

        Bread = bread;



     * @param price the price to set


    public void setPrice(Double price) {

        Price = price;



public class TestSandwich {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        Sandwich sandwich = new Sandwich();




        System.out.println("You have ordered a " + sandwich.getMainIngredient() + " sandwich on " + sandwich.getBread()

                + " bread, and the price is " + sandwich.getPrice());



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