
In: Computer Science

Create a C++ program that makes use of both concepts i.e. Array of structure and array...

Create a C++ program that makes use of both concepts i.e. Array of structure and array within the structure by using the following guidelines:

1. Create an Array of 5 Structures of Student Records

2. Each structure must contain: a. An array of Full Name of Student b. Registration Number in proper Format i.e 18-SE-24 c. An array of Marks of 3 subjects d. Display that information of all students in Ascending order using “Name” e. Search a particular student and update its Marks of any particular subject.


Expert Solution

Here we just want to create a program with array of structure and array within structure.

And here search value is the students id number.

#include <cstring>

#include <iostream>

#include <ostream>

using namespace std;

//create the structure

struct student


string name;

string id;

int phone_number;

int mark[3];


int main(){

struct student stud[5];

int i,search ,choice, subnum;

for(i=0; i<5; i++){ //taking values from user

cout << "\nStudent " << i + 1 << endl;

cout << "Enter roll no" << endl;

cin >> stud[i].id;

cout << "Enter name" << endl;

cin >> stud[i].name;

cout << "Enter phone number" << endl;

cin >> stud[i].phone_number;

for(int j=0;j<3;j++)


cout << "Enter Marks " << j+1 << " : ";

cin >> stud[i].mark[j];



for(i=0;i<5;i++){ //printing values

cout << "\nStudent " << i + 1 << endl;

cout << "Roll no : " << stud[i].id << endl;

cout << "Name : " << stud[i].name << endl;

cout << "Phone no : " << stud[i].phone_number << endl;

for(int j=0;j<3;j++)


cout << "mark of sub"<<j+1<<" : "<< endl;

cout << stud[i].mark[j]<<endl;



//ask for a search value

cout<<"Enter phone number(for searching) "<<endl;



{ //conpare the search value with orginal value



cout << "\nResult was" << i + 1 << endl;

cout << "Roll no : " << stud[i].id << endl;

cout << "Name : " << stud[i].name << endl;

cout << "Phone no : " << stud[i].phone_number << endl;

for(int j=0;j<3;j++)


cout << "mark of sub"<<j+1<<" : "<< endl;

cout << stud[i].mark[j]<<endl;



//ask for manipulation

cout<<"do you want to edit the marks?press 1 for yes,2 for no!"<<endl;

cin >>choice;

if(choice ==1){

cout<<"enter the subject number" <<endl;


cout << "Enter new Mark"<< " : ";

cin >> stud[i].mark[subnum-1];




for(i=0;i<5;i++){ //printing final values

cout << "\nEditted results " << i + 1 << endl;

cout << "Roll no : " << stud[i].id << endl;

cout << "Name : " << stud[i].name << endl;

cout << "Phone no : " << stud[i].phone_number << endl;

for(int j=0;j<3;j++)


cout << "mark of sub"<<j+1<<" : "<< endl;

cout << stud[i].mark[j]<<endl;



return 0;


This is the code.. Also including screen shots.

Unfortunately my device didn't accept input more than 2 lines so take only 2 students.

Output :

Please refer this screen shot for actual code incase of any errors.

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