
In: Computer Science

Create a class named Horse that contains the following data fields: name - of type String...

Create a class named Horse that contains the following data fields:

  • name - of type String
  • color - of type String
  • birthYear - of type int

Include get and set methods for these fields.

Next, create a subclass named RaceHorse, which contains an additional field, races (of type int), that holds the number of races in which the horse has competed and additional methods to get and set the new field.


public class DemoHorses


    public static void main(String args[])


       Horse horse1 = new Horse();

       RaceHorse horse2 = new RaceHorse();

       horse1.setName("Old Paint");







       System.out.println(horse1.getName() + " is " +

          horse1.getColor() + " and was born in " + horse1.getBirthYear() + ".");

       System.out.println(horse2.getName() + " is " +

          horse2.getColor() + " and was born in " + horse2.getBirthYear() + ".");

       System.out.println(horse2.getName() + " has been in " +

          horse2.getRaces() + " races.");





Expert Solution

class Horse {
        // fileds for Horse class
        private String name;
        private String color;
        private int birthYear;

        //setters and getters
        public String getName() {
                return name;

        public String getColor() {
                return color;

        public int getBirthYear() {
                return birthYear;

        public void setName(String aName) {
                name = aName;

        public void setColor(String aColor) {
                color = aColor;

        public void setBirthYear(int aBirthYear) {
                birthYear = aBirthYear;

// RaceHorse extending the Horse
class RaceHorse extends Horse {
        private int races;

        //setters and getters
        public int getRaces() {
                return races;

        public void setRaces(int aRaces) {
                races = aRaces;


public class DemoHorses {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
                Horse horse1 = new Horse();
                RaceHorse horse2 = new RaceHorse();
                horse1.setName("Old Paint");
                System.out.println(horse1.getName() + " is " +

                                horse1.getColor() + " and was born in " + horse1.getBirthYear() + ".");

                System.out.println(horse2.getName() + " is " +

                                horse2.getColor() + " and was born in " + horse2.getBirthYear() + ".");

                System.out.println(horse2.getName() + " has been in " +

                                horse2.getRaces() + " races.");



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