
In: Computer Science

Using C++, write a code that this program always stores text file output into a text...

Using C++, write a code that

this program always stores text file output into a text file named "clean.txt".

-The program should read one character at a time from "someNumbers.txt", and do the following.

-If it is a letter, print that letter to the screen, AND also store it in the text file. All letters should be converted to lowercase beforehand.

-If it is a number, print that number to screen, but do NOT store it in the text file.

-If it is a space character, do one space in the screen AND in the text file as well.

-If it is a new line character, do a new line character on screen but two spaces in the text file instead.

-All other characters are simply ignored.

-The resulting text file should have no new line characters.

Output Screen:


hello2 world th5is

looks 5 quite strange



hello world this looks quite strange dog



hello2 World, th5is
looks !5 quite strange.


Expert Solution




using namespace std;



    ifstream infile;

    ofstream outfile;

    char ch;

    // Opening files for reading and writing"someNumbers.txt");"clean.txt");

    // Iterating over each character in the file till end of file is reached



        // Converting the character read to lowercase character.

        ch = tolower(ch);

        // If the character is a letter or space character write it to the file and print it to the screen

        if(isalpha(ch) || ch == ' ')


            outfile << ch;

            cout << ch;


        // If the character is a number print it to the screen

        else if(isdigit(ch))

            cout << ch;

        // If the character is a newline character, write two spaces in the file and print the newline character to the screen

        else if(ch == '\n')


            outfile << "  ";

            cout << ch;



    // Closing the files.








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