
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program using produces Huffman code for a string of text entered by the...

Write a C++ program using produces Huffman code for a string of text entered by the user.

Must accept all ASCII characters.


Expert Solution

C++ program using produces Huffman code for all ASCII characters.

Huffman code is a data compression technique that converts data. Huffman tree creates an algorithm or tree from the input characters and encodes them to equivalent codes.


  • Create a leaf node
  • Extract nodes and create internal nodes
  • Assign frequency and add to minimum heap
  • Create a root of huffman tree
  • Repeat the process


  • Enter the text size
  • Enter the string text
  • Enter frequencies for each letter
  • Equal Huffman code will be produced

Source Code

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Hman_Code
 struct New_Node
  char data;
  size_t freq;
  New_Node* left;
  New_Node* right;
  New_Node(char data, size_t freq) : data(data),
   delete left;
   delete right;

 struct compare
  bool operator()(New_Node* l, New_Node* r)
    return (l->freq > r->freq);

New_Node* top;

void print_Code(New_Node* root, string str)
if(root == NULL)

 if(root->data == '$')
  print_Code(root->left, str + "0");
  print_Code(root->right, str + "1");

 if(root->data != '$')
   cout << root->data <<" : " << str << "\n";
   print_Code(root->left, str + "0");
   print_Code(root->right, str + "1");

  Hman_Code() {};
    delete top;
  void Generate_Huffman_tree(vector<char>& data, vector<size_t>& freq, size_t size)
   New_Node* left;
   New_Node* right;
   priority_queue<New_Node*, vector<New_Node*>, compare > minHeap;

for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
      minHeap.push(new New_Node(data[i], freq[i]));

while(minHeap.size() != 1)
      left =;

      right =;

      top = new New_Node('$', left->freq + right->freq);
      top->left  = left;
      top->right = right;
    print_Code(, "");

 int main()
  int n, f;
  char ch;
  Hman_Code set1;
  vector<char> data;
  vector<size_t> freq;
  cout<<"Enter the size of string text: ";
  cout<<"Enter the string :";
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
data.insert(data.end(), ch);
  cout<<"Enter the equal frequencies \n";
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
freq.insert(freq.end(), f);

  size_t size = data.size();
  set1.Generate_Huffman_tree(data, freq, size);

  return 0;

The Output

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