Responsibilities that an individual possess towards the country
is -
- Love your country.
- Make sure by voting in a good and honest government.
- Obey the rule of laws.
- Respect your leaders who are good and honest.
- Always be vigilant against bad and corrupted leaders and
- Believe in good family value.
- Contribute good works for the country and society.
In a technical way , one should -
- Promote small market capitalism
- Promote the prevention of power accumulation, e.g. government
agencies, business monopolies, long term politicians, etc.
- Promote maximum personal freedom
- Promote the moving of regulations down to the smallest possible
entity, e.g. personal instead of city, city instead of state, and
state instead of federal
- Promote maximum competition between governing bodies, so that
citizens can shine the light of truth on corruption and on the
implementation of bad ideas