
In: Biology

Abstract ‘In the present study, we report an efficient invitro propagation system. Shoot apices of six...

Abstract ‘In the present study, we report an efficient invitro propagation system. Shoot apices of six weeks old in vitro grown G. scabra plants were used as explants for the in vitro propagation. Induction of multiple shoots (9.1/explant) was achieved on the culture of shoot apices on half strength Murashige and Skoog’s basal medium (MSBM) containing 2.0 mg/L−1 6-benzylaminopurine (BA), 3% sucrose and 0.9% Difco agar. In vitro shoots induced profuse rooting on half strength of MSBM supplemented with 0.1 mg/L−1 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 3% sucrose and 0.3% gelrite. A two-stage ventilation closure procedure during the in vitro culture, and transparent sachet technique enhanced the survival rate of G. scabra plantlets to 96% in the greenhouse. Tissue culture plants flowered after 5 months of transfer to pots.A simple and an efficient in vitro propagation protocol of Gentiana scabra Bunge by optimizing the medium composition and ventilation closure treatments has been developed. The protocol can be very useful in germplasm conservation and commercial cultivation of G. scabra plants’’.

i. Based on your scientific understanding write the aim and objective for the given abstract and should be written with proper citations(APA format). (one paragraph/maximum 100 words)


Expert Solution


Aim: In vitro plants of G. scabra were obtained from the Taiwan Sugar Corporation, Taiwan, and were used as the source material for the present study. Shoot apices (1.0 cm) excised from the six weeks old in vitro plants were used as explants.

Objectives: For induction of multiple shoots, explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog’s salts and vitamins, hereinafter referred as MS basal medium (MSBM).

A range of 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 2 mg/L−1) and Kinetin (Kin) concentrations (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/L−1), 3% sucrose, 0.9% Difco Bacto agar (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) were supplemented to the MSBM.

The pH of all the media was adjusted to 5.7 ± 0.1, prior addition of agar and before autoclaving for 15 min under 1.05 kg/cm at 121°C.

Due to the extensive medicinal use, wild G. Scabra plants are in huge demand resulting in its over-exploitation and decline in wild populations. In Liaoning Province of China, the species has been listed in the protected plants and considered to be under the endangered category. Commercial propagation of G. scabra through seed has constraints due to shorter seed dormancy period and lower rates of seed germination (Seong et al. [1995]; Son et al. [1999]; Wen and Yang [2010]).

The low survival rate (20% to 53%) of in vitro plantlets of G. scabra in greenhouse poses a serious challenge to growers’ commercialization process (Personal communications with several growers in Taiwan). Therefore, the main objective of the study was to develop a simple and an efficient in vitro propagation method of G. scabra with a high survival rate of plantlets.

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