
In: Nursing

Describe the correct techniques for the administration ofvaginal and rectal medications.

Describe the correct techniques for the administration of vaginal and rectal medications.


Expert Solution

1.When we administering drug via r-ectal route it have faster action than oral administration.

Techniques for administration

  • Proper hand hygiene is needed.
  • Check medication order before administration.
  • Follow the medication rights.
  • Explain the procedure to the patient.
  • Arrange the bed heights.
  • Position the patient, in sims Position, that is on left side with upper leg flexed over the lower leg towards waist.
  • Provide privacy to the patient.
  • Expose the needed part only,drape properly.
  • Wear clean gloves.
  • Assess for any contraindications.
  • Separate butt-ocks with a non dominant hand ,and by using dominant hand insert the medication into the r-ectum towards umbillicus. During this time encourage the patient to take deep breath and exhale by mouth and to relax a-nal sphincter.
  • Remove the finger and clean the area.
  • Tell the patient to lie down in the same position for 5-10 minutes.

For v-aginal administration of medication.

  • Prepare all as medication administration.
  • Explain to the payient,if she is able to insert it is more comfortable.
  • It can administer with applicator or hand.
  • Tell the patient to void before administration.
  • Provide privacy, drape the area.
  • Use lubricant.
  • Wear clean gloves.
  • With non dominant hand separate labia folds and insert the medicine. with dominant hand.
  • Clean the area.


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