
In: Nursing

Mary Pearl, age 60, has come into the physician's office complaining of swelling, stiffness, and arthralgia,...

Mary Pearl, age 60, has come into the physician's office complaining of swelling, stiffness, and arthralgia, especially in her elbows, wrists, and hands. A bone scan revealed acute inflammation in multiple joints with damaged articular cartilage, and an erythrocyte sedimentation rate blood test indicated a significant level of acute inflammation in the body. A diagnosis of acute episode of rheumatoid arthritis was made. The physician ordered nonstemrodial anti-flammatory medication and physical therapy. The therapists initiated a treatment program of hydrotherapy and therapeutic excersices.

1. What pathological condition does this patient have? describe

2. What type of long term damage may occurin a patient with rheumatoid arthritis?

3. Descibe the other type of arthritis

4. What two dianostic procedures did the physician order ? W hat were the results? Describe

5.What treatments were ordered? explain the therapy involved

6. This patient is experiencing an acute episode. Explain what that means


Expert Solution

1) The pathological condtion the patient had is Rheumatoid arthritis, the rheumatoid arthritis is the long term autoimmune disorders thaat primarilt affects joints it results in joint pains and warm and swollen joints and pain and stiffness, and mostly seen in the wrist and hands and it may be a combination of genetic and environmental factors and an antibody against the Fc portion of IgG . 2) The long term damage that occurs in patient with rheutamoid arthriitis:in skin we can see nodulues and ineyes inflammation and scarring and there is dryness in the mouth and inflammation and scaring in the lunds and arthersclerosis in the heart and bloodvessels etc. 3) types of arthritis :a) osteoarthritis: it is most common type of arthritis the cause of this arthritis may be aging or due to injury , the cartilage in the joint becomes damged thus affecting the smooth gliding motion of the joint,b) Autoimmune arthritis : it occurs due to abnormal immune reponse of the individual body towards substances which are normally present within the body , c) juvenlie arthritis:it is type of arthritis occurs in children and leads to joint stiffness and especially in the morning. d) infectious arthritis: happens when infections spread from one part to other parts of the body to the joint, e)psoriasis arthritis : occurs in patients with psoriasis etc. 4)The 2 diagnostic tests the physician order are a) bone scan b)erythrocyte sedimentation rate. by bone scan it is been revealed that acute inflammation in the multiple joints and damaged articular cartilage and in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate blood test indicates a significant levels of acute inflammation in the body, . 5) Treatments given to the patient are nonsteeriodial antiinflammatory medication and physical therapy and the therapy includes the program of hydrotherapy and therapuetic excersices, hydrotherapy is a called as water cure it involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment and acts as a cleansing therapy , and stimulates the blood circulation and treat the symptoms. Therapuetic excersices for rheumatoid arthritis:like streching and strengthing and range of joint motions and aerobic excercises etc. 6) Acute episodes of rheumatoid arthritis: it may be chronic but have acute episodes of pain and inflammation known as flares it is a disease of ups and down sometime joint are good and but some time there will swelling and pain racket and the patient cannot get up in the morning from the bed it can be unpreditaable and debailitation.

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