
In: Economics

You operate your own small building company and have decided to bid on a government contract...

You operate your own small building company and have decided to bid on a government contract to build a pedestrian walkway in a national park during the coming winter. The walkway is to be of standard government design and should involve no unexpected costs. Your present capacity utilization rate is moderate and allows sufficient scope to understand this contract, if you win it. You calculate your incremental costs to be $268,000 and your fully allocated costs to be $440,000. Your usual practice is to add between 60% and 80% to your incremental costs, depending on capacity utilization rate and other factors. You expect three other firms to also bid on this contract, and you have assembled the following competitor intelligence about those companies.


Rival A

Rival B

Rival C

Capacity Utilization

At full capacity


Very low

Goodwill Considerations

Very concerned

Moderately concerned

Not concerned

Production Facilities

Small and inefficient plant

Medium sized and efficient plant

Large and very efficient plant

Previous Bidding Pattern

Incremental cost plus 35-50%

Full cost plus 8-12%

Full cost plus 10-15%

Cost Structure

Incremental costs exceed yours by about 10%

Similar cost structure to yours

Incremental costs 20% lower but full costs are similar to yours

Aesthetic Factors

Does not like winter jobs or dirty jobs

Does not like messy or inconvenient jobs

Likes projects where it can show its creativity

Political Factors

Decision maker is a relative of the buyer

Decision maker is seeking a new job

Decision maker is looking for a promotion  

Show all of your calculations and processes. Describe your answers in three- to five-complete sentences.

A.) What price would you bid if you must win the project?


Expert Solution


Bidding depends on the price that you're announcing. Since its not stated here exactly which kind of the bid process is - either sealed first price or sealed second price, I assume that it is the most commonly used bid where the participants announce their prices and the bidder with the highest price wins.

Now, to decide as to what the price needs to be offered, one has to be sure what others are going to offer. Since rival A is already at full capacity, possessing an inefficient plant and incremental costs that are higher than our plant, it should be of little worry than that rival A will not win.

Perhaps the most worrysome would be rival B, since its capacity is moderate and efficeint and the cost structures are very similar. Since the maximum 12% of $440,000 suggests that rival B is willing to go to the extent of $52,800 more, if our company can go at least till $55,000, the bid could be ours. However, even more worrysome is the last rival C who can make up to a staggering $66,000 more to win the bid. If we could go to a maximum of 80% of incremental costs, the total amount of $654,400 should be more than enough to win the bid. However, this amount is too big and should be lowered down. I believe an amount of $510,000 shuld be more than enough to overtake all the three rivals as also to maximize the expected value of contribution from this contract.

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