
In: Nursing

what are the limitations and legal ramifications of the following forms of restraint: physical, chemical and...

what are the limitations and legal ramifications of the following forms of restraint: physical, chemical and psychological?


Expert Solution

There are mainly three types of restraints.

1. Physical restraint:

Physical restraint is a mechanical device used to immobilize the client or restricts the normal movement of the person. It acts as a physical barrier to the body.

2. Chemical Restraint:

chemical restraint is the medication administered to restrict the behavior of the person. e.g Tranquilizers.

3. Psychological restraint:

It is the change of client's surroundings to control the movement.

Limitation and Legal ramifications:

To safeguard the patient and to avoid legal issues, the nurse should follow legal guidelines and limitations of restraints.

For Physical restraint:

  • Follow organization restraint policies.
  • Choose the correct type of restraint for the client.
  • Identify and document the client's symptom for restraints such as restlessness, agitation, violence, and confusion.
  • Apply restraints whenever necessary and after getting a physician's order.
  • Get consent from family members to avoid legal issues.
  • Frequently check the physical restraint properly to avoid injury to the client.
  • Check for complications of pressure ulcer, constipation.

For chemical restraint:

  • Administer drugs based on the behavior and mental illness.
  • Explain to the family members and get proper consent.
  • The amount of drug should not harm the patient health.
  • Chemical restraint should give under the supervision and not for the convenience of the staff.
  • Look for any side effects and complications such as pneumonia, urinary incontinence, nerve damage or circulatory impairment.
  • Always check for any limitations in the treatment.
  • Document the drug, dose, route, time as soon as possible after administration.

For Psychological restraint:

  • Assess the client's status of frustration and anger.
  • Always look for the patient's safety.
  • Explain the family member the need for psychological restraint.
  • Document the client's location and behavior of any substance abuse, sexual abuse, or violence.
  • Frequently evaluate the client response and document it.
  • Keep the patient nearer to the nurses' station room.
  • Look for client experience of any fear, anger, loss of self-esteem.

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