There are mainly three types of restraints.
1. Physical restraint:
Physical restraint is a mechanical device used to immobilize the
client or restricts the normal movement of the person. It acts as a
physical barrier to the body.
2. Chemical Restraint:
chemical restraint is the medication administered to restrict
the behavior of the person. e.g Tranquilizers.
3. Psychological restraint:
It is the change of client's surroundings to control the
Limitation and Legal
To safeguard the patient and to avoid legal issues, the nurse
should follow legal guidelines and limitations of restraints.
For Physical restraint:
- Follow organization restraint policies.
- Choose the correct type of restraint for the client.
- Identify and document the client's symptom for restraints such
as restlessness, agitation, violence, and confusion.
- Apply restraints whenever necessary and after getting a
physician's order.
- Get consent from family members to avoid legal issues.
- Frequently check the physical restraint properly to avoid
injury to the client.
- Check for complications of pressure ulcer, constipation.
For chemical restraint:
- Administer drugs based on the behavior and mental illness.
- Explain to the family members and get proper consent.
- The amount of drug should not harm the patient health.
- Chemical restraint should give under the supervision and not
for the convenience of the staff.
- Look for any side effects and complications such as pneumonia,
urinary incontinence, nerve damage or circulatory impairment.
- Always check for any limitations in the treatment.
- Document the drug, dose, route, time as soon as possible after
For Psychological restraint:
- Assess the client's status of frustration and anger.
- Always look for the patient's safety.
- Explain the family member the need for psychological
- Document the client's location and behavior of any substance
abuse, sexual abuse, or violence.
- Frequently evaluate the client response and document it.
- Keep the patient nearer to the nurses' station room.
- Look for client experience of any fear, anger, loss of