
In: Nursing

Case Study #3             A not-for-profit hospice center in a small community received a generous gift from...

Case Study #3

            A not-for-profit hospice center in a small community received a generous gift from the grateful family of a patient who had died recently. The family asked only that the money be “put to the best use possible.” Everyone in this small facility had an opinion about the “best” use for the money.

The administrator wanted to renovate the old, run-down headquarters. The financial officer wanted to put the money in the bank “for a rainy day.” The chaplain wanted to add a small chapel to the building. The nurses wanted to create a food bank to help the poorest of their clients. The social workers wanted to buy a van to transport clients to health-care providers. The staff agreed that all the ideas had merit, that all of the needs identified were important ones. Unfortunately, there was enough money to meet only one of them.

            The more the staff members discussed how to use this gift, the more insistent each group became that their idea was best. At their last meeting, it was evident that some were becoming frustrated and that others were becoming angry. It was rumored that a shouting match had occurred between the administrator and the financial officer, each loudly stating that their ideas were the best.

  1. What type of communication style are the administrator and financial officer exhibiting?
    1. Assertive
    2. Aggressive
    3. Passive
    4. Passive-aggressive

  1. Which of the following conflict resolution techniques would not be helpful to this group?
    1. Openness
    2. Honesty
    3. Challenging
    4. Respect

  1. The chaplain is venting his frustrations regarding the administrator and financial officer to one of the nurses. The nurse responds with “it will be okay. We all feel that way.” Which type of communication technique is the nurse exhibiting?
    1. Empathy
    2. Blocking
    3. Developing trust
    4. Open communication

  1. The administrator and financial officer are arguing again. The financial officer yells “this is all your fault. If you were a better administrator, this issue wouldn’t have occurred.” Define this type of communication:
    1. Appeal to emotion
    2. Red herring
    3. False assurances
    4. Ad hominem abusive


Expert Solution

What type of communication style are the administrator and financial officer exhibiting?

Answer: Option b: AGGRESSIVE because, both the administrator and the financial officer firmly believe that their ideas were the best and express the same openly to each other. This type of communication is called aggressive communication.

Not the other options because:

Option a: ASSERTIVE - This is the most effective form of communication because in this type of communication the speaker expresses his/her opinion at the same time respect the ideas of others too leading to a healthy communication. In this scenario the administrator and the financial officer are not having a healthy communication instead express to each other that their idea is the best.

Option c: PASSIVE - In this type of communicaion the speaker remains passive which means he/she doesn't express their ideas in public rather they keep their ideas for themselves and let others express their ideas and follow them. Here in the conversation between the administrator and the financial officer, both the individuals  express tho each other that their idea is the best.

Option d: PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE In this type of communication the speaker remains passive, but  within they are aggressive and develop resentment which lead to acting out in subtle,indirect or secrect ways. Here in this scenario both the parties stronge express their ideas rather than being passive.

Which of the following conflict resolution techniques would not be helpful to this group?

Answer: Option c: CHALLENGING

Challenging as a conflict resolution technique doesn't help this group because it increases the tension within the group since each individual group wants their idea to be fulfilled. This will eventually end up in a bigger conflict and doesn't help them to come to a common conclusion.

Not other options because:

Option a: Openness - It helps in better understanding which will help them to resolve the conflict.

Option b: Honesty - Just like openness, honesty also helps to enhance understanding and lead to a mutual agreement towards a common idea.

Option d : Respect - it helps in considering the ideas of others and selecting the most effective idea out of them.

The chaplain is venting his frustrations regarding the administrator and financial officer to one of the nurses. The nurse responds with “it will be okay. We all feel that way.” Which type of communication technique is the nurse exhibiting?

Answer: Option a : EMPATHY - Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feeling of another. Here in the conversation between the Chaplain and the nurse, the nurse consoles the Chaplain saying that it will be okay and they all feel that way.

Not other options because:

Option b : Blocking - Here in this scenario the nurse is listening to the chaplain and consoling him not blocking the conversation

Option c :Developing trust - Here the nurse shows empathy over developing trust.

Option d :Open communication - Here the nurse not just respect what the chaplain says but also feels with the chaplain.

The administrator and financial officer are arguing again. The financial officer yells “this is all your fault. If you were a better administrator, this issue wouldn’t have occurred.” Define this type of communication:

Answer : Option d : AD HOMINEM ABUSIVE - It means "against the man" . In this type of communication the attack is on the person ( like defaming the person) and not on the actual agrument. Here the financial officer blames the administrator by saying that if you were a better administrator, this issue wouldn't have occured.

Not other options because :

Option a : Appeal to emotion - This means that the speaker will manipulate the recipient's emotion inorder to win the argument which is not happening in the conversation between the administrator and the financial officer.

Option b : Red herring- It means that a clue or piece of information is put forth intending to mislead or distract and again this is nothappening in the conversation.

Option c : False assurances - Herein the conversation no sort of assurance is given.

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