In: Nursing
1.Human is a human being, living in a particular community and following their own values and values regarding diet, health and other practices. An individual learns culture from their own generation, learning from their own society, and their own status.
Culture is different in the cases of race, ethnicity, nationality, food, language, festivals, and infrastructure, religion, gender. Culture is affected by number of factor such as immigration, personality, marriage to another religion, age, gender, occupation and education.
Religion: each religion has different in their practice. Hindu people tend to avoid animal products in their diet and adopt fasting in ritual practices. Whereas Muslim fasts in ramzon and include animal products in the diet. Christians especially catholic avoid consumption of meat in the diet in the times of religious ceremonies.
Position: some nationalities mainly the Great Britain United Nations maintain the some distance from the others. Some nationalities mainly Japan, Latin America maintain small distance from others
Gender: in Muslim, female are inhibited to take decision, women are given less importance in the position and maintaining eye contact. Women are inhibited to discuss any issues with males.
Eye contact: some believes maintaining eye contact gives sense of belief, confidence, and truth teller. Some believes maintaining give a sense of disrespect.
Regarding the health care belief:
Most cultures are practicising and believing in traditional system of medicine. Some Native Americans believes in shaman. Asian descendents accepts treatment from acupuncture treatment medicine. Some African American may visit and get help from spiritualist, hougan
Muslim tend to follow fasting during ramzan and tend to have eat in the early morning, their health care is affected. Leader of the Muslim is old age man who takes in the decision making process
Some culture does not accept medication from animal made products such as premarin, fish liver oil. Some communities do not accept blood transfusion which is drawn from the other person because it is against family and cultural practice
Time: most patient visits the hospital in the auspicious time. Because it prevent long term stay and for good health. It is followed in the delivery and other surgical procedures
Touch: Some patients tend to avoid touch of health care provider mainly male professionals are inhibited to touch female patient. There should be female nurse should accompany the male health provider to provide care to female
Community: some people from different countries, states approach another state for better care in their community related hospital. Even though Language affects the patients to get from service, Their believe that approaching their community such as Christian hospital, Muslim hospital for care
2. man becomes human being when he follows values, beliefs, customs, cultures, rules and regulation in the their own community. human being are given equal importance to live. If the custom, rules, cultures are not followed by the man, the man becomes beast that is committing mistakes, criminal behavior. The values, beliefs, customs shape the man to become a social animal.
The value, customs, believes provides a good sense of security. But the values, customs, cultures affect the patient, family in the case of time of illness. If an individual get affected with an illness such as diabetes, he tend to follow fasting according to the fasting, causes deranges of blood values in the blood.
The changes the choices made by the person
1. Cognitive biases means thinking about a particular situation and becomes a conflict ending, that are leads to memory errors, inaccurate judgment
2. Past experiences of situation means past experiences in the one area or event may affect the choices of the person
3. Differences in decision making means each individual is different in decision making in a family and has conflict in conclusion
4. Gender: gender affects choices made by person. Women are prevented from choosing health care decision
5. Age : only elder people or adults are allowed to take decision making process
6. Commitment: commitment to the event or involvement of a person in a situation may affect the decision making process
Reaction of person to the threat of non beings:
Reaction of person if he is not involved in decision making, it may affect the person causes inaccurate judgment, faulty information, memory loss, over dependence, invest large amount of money and energy in order to get decision making. Some persons become depressed and involves in antisocial activities. Some time enter to shock if he considered as a human. It make person low self esteem, less eye contact, negative speaking. it make sperson to seek support from another person who understands him better