In: Nursing
What is the role of government in financing of the U.S. health care? How is this role determined?
U S government health care financing:
Government has a key role to play on the health care industry . it is the duty if the government to protect and bring more evolution into the health care industry . it should ensure all citizens have equal right and access to good health care . government pays a vital role where it comes to regulating because if not regulated this industry is bound to get costly according to the results it would provide. With private sector also playing a key role In it , it is vital to regulate the cost of medical care for the benefit of it citizens.
The health care industry deals with moral , and emotional issues which are not prevelant in any other industry . New technology and artificially affecting the supply of drugs is a new and a major concern and an issue that needs to be addressed by the govenment.
Government can also identify the compass investing into research and development of health care products and finance hem this would help lower the cost of such companies. Government also buys these health care units and drugs to ensure it is given to senior citizens and government retired employees so that the cost charged by private clinics does not prevent people from getting the desired care.
Government efforts:
Health policy research has an important and expanding role in efforts by the government and the private sector to address issues of health financing and costs. This paper offers some information, thoughts, and perspective on the work involved, including the following:
1. an overview of how health
research has influenced the federal government's policies for
dealing with health costs
2. a discussion of the chaotic marketplace of ideas about health
policy and the changing competitive fortunes of the disciplines
3. some observations on the processes through which health research
is effectively translated into health policy
4. a few suggestions about how to draw on lessons of the past so
that health research can make even more effective contributions to
health policy in the future.