In: Operations Management
Ans:- The various problems with US health care policy are:-
a). The "individual mandate" made it mandatory for US citizens to buy a health policy or pay penalty, if they are not covered by employer or government policies.
b). US has higher rates of infant mortality and lower life expectancy after 60 years of age than that of European countires.
c). The insurance system needs to be streamlined and administratives problem needs to be reduced.
d). The new bill would allow insurers to charge more and deny coverage based on previous history.
The Affordable Care Act (ACAA) is designed to address these problems in following ways:-
a). It would make health insurance available to everyone. It provided subsidy to people.
b). It would promote innovative medical care delivery methods to lower the cost of health care.
Conservatives have been opposed to the ACA because:-
a). Theya re saying that it would increase cost of business.
b). It leads to unnessary intrusion in personal business.
c). The premium is higher under ACA.
d). The medicare expansion is burden to states.
ACA has increased the number of insured americans and made their lives secure. It has also increased access and service to peole who has taken the cover.