In: Economics
It shall be noted that US GNP = US GDP + Net Factor Income from abroad
So, evaluate the options that could be categorized as Net Factor Income from abroad.
Honda's output produced in North Carolina - Would increase US GDP but not US GNP
Increase in Ford output in Japan exported to China - Ford is the US company - It would contribute to net factor income from abroad - would increase US gross national product(GNP) but not the gross domestic product (GDP)
Increase of Toyota output in China, purchased by US residents living in China-US expenditure in a foreign country - not a net factor income earned from abroad - would not affect the US GNP
Increase in Toyota output in Japan exported to the US for purchase - It is imported in the US - Would affect US GDP but not US GNP
Increase in GM output in Detroit, sold in France - Would affect US GDP but not US GNP
Hence, the correct answer is - b. an increase in Ford output in japan which is exported to be sold in china