In: Math
Suppose that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the US is denoted as Gt. Let the quarterly data of Gt from 1980:1 to 2015:1 is non-stationary but the first difference of Gt, denoted as DGt, is stationary. Assume that a researcher identified the following AR model for DGt:
DGt = Alpha0 + Alpha1DGt-1 + Alpha3DGt-3 + Alpha4DGt-4 + et
Suppose the estimated results of the above AR model are as follows:
DGt = 6.09 + 0.18DGt-1 + 0.12DGt-3 + 0.05DGt-4
(a) Based on what criteria of the coefficients of auto-correlation function (ACF) and the coefficients of partial auto-correlation function (PACF), the researcher identified the above AR model? Explain. Also explain why the researcher chose 1, 3, and 4 lags.
(b) Forecast the GDP for 2015:2, assuming that the GDP in 2015:1, 2014:4, 2014:3, 2014:2, 2014:1, 2013:4, 2013:3, and 2013:2 respectively are: 16264.1, 16294.7, 16205.6, 16010.4, 15831.7, 15916.2,15779.9, and 15606.6.
(c) Explain how to conduct a diagnostic test to check if the researcher has identified the correct AR model. (Hint: Step 3 of Box-Jenkin’s Method)
Please show work.
Change in 2014Q3 value (lag 3)=16205.6-16010.4=195.2
Change in 2014Q2 value (lag 4)= 16010.4-15831.7=178.7
Thus the predicted change in 2015Q2 value is = 6.09 + 0.18*(-30.6) + 0.12*195.2 + 0.05*178.7 =32.941
Thus predicted value in 2015Q2 =value in 2015 Q1 + predicted change in value in 2015Q2
The test statistic is given by :
sample size * (sum of squares of the various order auto correlations of the estimated residuals)
Here, the various orders are from 1 to K where K is chose sufficiently large.
Here under null hypothesis the test should follow a chi square distribution with K-4 degrees of freedom since here AR 4 model is used.
If the null hypothesis is rejected it means the residuals are correlated, implies the AR model is not correct.