In: Nursing
Please answer the following questions.
disease is a an individual get affected physically or mentally, prone to illness is called disease.
Medical assistant has pivot role in caring for various patients. medical assistant helps staffnurse in procedure and asking and recording child history , cleans work area, maintains medical records, assisting physician in doing examination of a patient and sending blood samples to lab.
in pediatric department, medical assistant monitor child growth by measuring weight and height, assisting in giving vaccination, and recording nutritional information, immunization. medical assistant checks vital signs of child and record it in the chart
in gyneocological department.medical assistant assist physician in pregnant mother checking, during labour and after delivery. medical assistant assist physician in various examination like colposcopy, papsmear
Gerontology: medical assistant gives care to the elderly people who cannot meet their basic needs.
oncology: medical assistant plays a role in assisting in radiation, chemotherapy, care of the patients by checking vitals.
the major causes of disease are disease of biotic, genetic,immune, physical and chemical, neuro and psychiatric, metabolic and endocrine , nutrtion
there are two main causes of disease, which are immediate cause and contributory cause. when a organism that enters our body causes reaction is called immediate cause. when some factors that favours organism to enter in our body are called contributory cause.
disease can be occur due to following causes which are
1. disease due to physical causes
2. disease due to nutritional deficiency
3.disease due to chemical causes
4. disease due to inherited .
5. disease due to degenerative causes
6. disease due to infectious causes
7. disease due to non-infectious causes
8. disease due to mental causes
9. disease due to social causes
Disease due to nutrtion are an individual became malnourished due to nutrional deficiency example are marasmus, osteoporosis
disease due to inherited are an individual carries a disease from his family example are hypertension, cancer, coronary artery disease
disease due to infectious are an infection transmits from a person to another called infectious disease example are mumps, chicken pox,
Health promotion and disease prevention
Health promotion is improve health of an individual through various methods, namely, health education, life style changes, nutrition, environmental changes. Health education: health education increases awarness of people about improvement of style changes: an individual can improve his health by adopting good habits. example is avoiding smoking, fast foods. Nutrtion: good nutrtion foods has to be distributed to weaker people. fortified food distribution through health department can improve health of people. environmental changes: changes in environmental include installation of toilets, good water supply, control of insects
disease prevention can be divided into primordial prevention, primary prevention, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention. primordial prevention is an action that taken from the child hood. healh education is given to bring life style changes from child hood. if a child follows poor dietary habits, by education he could control adult health disease. Primary prevention: it is a prevention that taken before an occurence of an disease. diabetes mellitus patient chances to have heart disease. heart disease can be prevented by educating them earlier.secondary prevention:is a prevention that adopted during process of a disease and there by could prevent can be done by early diagnosis, good treatment and control the disease process. Tertiary prevention: it is a prevention that taken when acdisease crossed its limits and chances to control disese. exampleis rehabilitation
HIV has four distinctive phases which are infection, asymptomatic, symptomatic, HIV to AIDS
INFECTION: it is the first stage: an individual with HIV infection develops mild symptoms like headache, rashes, fever, sorethroat. in this period, an individual's body produces antibodies to fight against virus. it is seroconversion illness and they are most infectious in this stage
ASYMPTOMATIC: it is the second stage ,an individual with HIV may shows no signs and symptoms and virus weakens immune system continuously. this may take 8 to 10 years