In order to retain the position and to be in the market the
Company has to maintain the positive content in the market. GE is
one among such company.
- The company has to understand its own identity. Once it is
established it has to grab it and use it properly so that other
companies do not use it against them.
- The Company has to be very active and update good things on its
blog, site on a regular basis. All the positive things happening in
the company has to be shared with its customers on time to time
- If there are negative comments on the company on the site or in
the market then it has to be addressed in the right manner without
any delay. The problem, if any, has to be addressed directly.
- The company has to be very active and collectively work towards
removing all the irrelevant and unwanted content.
- The Company has to forsee its reputation in advance and work
towards it and live for it.
- It has to continuously support its supporters and do good in
every way to flourish and develop.
- The Company also has to see to it alongwith itself the society
and country on the whole is also benefitted and developed. for this
purpose each and every support that they can give has to be
In this way any Company has maintain good positive rich content
and thereby remain in the market for a long time in a good way.