
In: Psychology

Intelligence has been under debate for many many years. Why is this an important topic to debate?

Intelligence has been under debate for many many years. Why is this an important topic to debate? According to what you have read in this class what do you think are the most important aspects of intelligence? Why? How important is emotional intelligence?


Expert Solution

Intelligence is the most importantcommodity in today's society” An intellectually stimulating environment is essential to allow intelligence to it is an important topics for many years in debates.

Important aspect of intelligence:

Logic -- meaning the ability to see things as they are, how they relate to each other, and how they can be leveraged against each other to maximum advantage depending on the situation.

Creativity -- the ability to not simply 'think outside the box,' but to be able to part that box out in ways that will boost logic exponentially. It's a hard concept for me to explain, unfortunately, but to me it means bringing in outside factors in such a way that they supplement your logical train of thought and action.

Intuition -- in my case, using that little voice we all have inside that tells us, "Hey, why not try THIS?!" to guide my creativity in boosting my logic.

Importance of EI:

As we know its not the smartest people that are the mosy successful or the most fulfilled in probably know people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially inept and unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationship.

Your IQ can help you get into college but its your EQ that will help you mange the stress and emotions when facing your final exams.

Four areas of your life EQ can affect

1)your performance at work

2)your physical health

3)your mental health

4)your relationships

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