In: Nursing
The nurse health history is a comprehensive examination and the data includes the client's current level of wellness, which includes physical, social, environmental, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health related to illness. These are the major component for an assessment of the patient. The nurse collects the data by using accurate and proper questions during an interview which helps the nurse to develop a plan of care for the patient.
The basic components of a health history are
Physical health:
The data collected regarding the client's current health status and health habits. This includes the client's day to day actions, food habits, medications, allergies, lifestyle patterns, alcohol, exercise, sleep patterns, and nutritional status.
For example,
1. During an interview, asking the patient for allergic to any medicine or food.
2. Collect the medication history to know the herbal or over the counter medications.
Social health
This includes the health history of family members and close relatives. It helps to determine the client's risk factors for genetic and hereditary disease. It shows the nature of the family and provides clues for health promotion and disease prevention. It also determines the family lifestyle pattern and nutritional pattern.
For example,
1. If the family is cooperative, the nurse may include family in the plan of care.
2. If the family relationship is stressful, the nurse should include loss, self-concept in the plan of care.
Environmental History:
The data collected regarding the client's home and working environment. Home environment should include the air, water, food, drink, and atmosphere surrounded the client and risk factors for the injury and barriers in the working environment.
For example,
1. Exposure to air pollutants in the workplace is a risk factor for lung infection and injury.
2. Poor water supply in the house shows the client's risk factors for viral and bacterial infections.
Emotional Health:
This relates to the client's emotional status and the support from his family. The client status to cope up with illness, sense of hope, and self-confidence in dealing with the illness. The interaction of the client with the neighborhood and social participation in the community.
For example,
1. The client feels the sense of grief due to recent losses in the family.
2. The client feels hopeless due to financial issues and inability to go for work.
spiritual health:
This includes the client's spiritual habits, their cultural values, and religious practices. It deals with their beliefs and patterns of rituals in their family. The nurse can determine the client's faith and belief in health practices.
for example,
1. The nurse should understand and respect the cultural values in the planning of care.
2. The nurse should avoid certain medication which they didn't accept. some religions will avoid alcohol-based medicines.
Intellectual / mental health:
It includes the client behavioral patterns and mental ability. The nurse assesses the strength and weakness of the client and negativity towards the illness. The nurse assesses the mental health functioning and disorders related to mental health.
For example,
1. Does the client has taken any psychiatric medication in the past?
2. Do his behavioral patterns change most often?