In: Finance
Examine your last pay check. Determine the percentage of your gross pay that is taken for deductions (including taxes, social security, health care, retirement, etc.). Total these deductions and then divide by your gross pay to determine the percentage. You do not have to disclose the amount of your gross pay or your deductions, but you may share the percentage of your pay that went for these deductions. Does this surprise you? Are there things you could change about this?
This can be address by taking an example of pay check/certificate. Lets understand few terms first:
1. Gross Pay: This represents the total amount paid by a organisation/company to its employees
2. Deductions: these are the deductions from gross pay towards taxes, social security, health care, retirement, etc
Assume that a person earning $5000 per month as regular pay. following is typical example of pay slip
Earnings | Deductions | ||
Regular earning | 5000 | Providend fund | 400 |
overtime | 500 | Federal Withholding | 350 |
Incentive | 300 | OED | 120 |
Bonus | 100 | State withholding | --- |
OASDI | -- | ||
Total Earning | 5900 | Total Deduction | 870 |
Here the required percentage is 870/5900*100 = 14.75%
This percentage can be reduced by following ways: