In: Mechanical Engineering
What type of tool or technique you are suggesting to choose appropriate materials, methods and machines to take decision on enhance existing production cell? Why do you prefer that tool or technique?
Tool or technique for enhancing existing production cell:
There are various tools and techniques which are vailable to enchance the existing production cells. These tools also suggests to choose the appropiate materials, methods and machines.These theories and tools are also used for the engineering design enhancement. Concorrent engineering method is the best prcaticle method which is used to improve the man, machine, material and methods. Other decesion making techniques are also used for this process.
These tools give the high level of subjective judgements. Different tools and techniques can be used to get the different objectives and the outcome besed on the applicability and limitaionso of each methods.
Concurrent engineeing:
Concurrent engineering is the systamatic approach of integrated and simulateneous process of design of products, materials and various methods. This approach is used basically to consider all the elements which comes under product life cycle from the starting to end which include cost, material, method, quality , schedule and also all the requirements. This process provide the details of right person to work at right time which is very important for identifying and solving the problem. It includes manufacturing, maintainability, operability, quality risk anf assembly with safety and customer satisfaction.
The characterstics of the concurrent enginering concept ois given as
The various tools and echniques which can be used to develop and support the environment of production system , and most of these techniques an dtools are computer based and as given one by one
The tools and methods being developed to support this environment, most of which are computer based, can be categorized as follows:
Web and LAN based management tools:
Material and component selections are often dependent on the higher level system requirement for example a material can be intended to use in high corrosive environment, so in these cases if one will not be aware o the situation without any good management tool or technique. These web based tools provide that benefit to choose the material as per the requirement and also include a function for convey the information to the indivual person who is involved in the process.These tools also provide the details about the use of perticular material and method use date and time.
In a crossfunctional production cell system, data should also be readily availabe to the all decesion makers so that they can make the proper decesion. Data obtained from the machines and tools to be accurate, easily acceses, complete and also configuration controlled based on the requirement. Data should provide the information, it should not be only numerous. The data sharing tolls are largely used in production cell system decsion and process enhancemnet and the used of these can be given as below
Currently in production cycles there are various compressed cycles and overlapping functional activities which takes place, so in that case various decesions are made with the help of incomplete data. As for the examples sometimes the manufacturing of the various component starts before the completion of final drawing. As there is a hige risk in starting the production before the release of the actual drawing because it can lead to scrap of components and also can lead to recall. So that there is a requirement of tools and techniques to asses the risk and after assesing, development of suitable abatement plans. Design structure matrix is very good idea in this context.
Automated analysis tools for evaluation of various alternatives at the early stages:
If one get and find the appropriate alternatives, the accuracy of decesions can be inproved with the reduction of the risk. Many automatic tools are currently under discussion for the improvement of cycle time and efficiency of production unit.These systems which are under developemnet or are in use currntly as given below as
These all tools and techniques which are explained above are ery important to identify the risk and all the requirement at the early stages of the product life cycle to reduce the loss and get the most benefit oucome out of the product for which that product is intended to use.
This method is used to define various attributes, after defineing weighing of them, and sum calculation of the weighted attributes. After this ranking is provided to them. This sytem is alsp a good tool for any prodution system as it have various advantages as:
apart from this other tools and techniques for enhancing the production cell are given as below
These all the tools and techniques are used to improve the selection of various methods materials and machines and the advantages of using these tools and techniques are as given below as