In: Nursing
Prioritize these diagnosis
1) Impaired physical mobility r/t prescribed movement restriction of LUE
2) self care deficit r/t LUE pain
3) Pain r/t surgical incision in left chest
does Sodium Chloride 0.9% NS and Dex5 0.9% NS- KCL/Dextrose have drug classification and another name? what's their action?
Diagnosis based on priority are
1) Pain related to surgical incision in left chest.
*Post operative pain management is the first priority after surgery.
2) Self care deficit related to LUE pain.
* Patient after surger unable to do self care activities because of pain
so second priority give to assistance in daily activities.
3) Impaired physical mobility related to prescribed movement restriction of LUE.
* After managing pain or along with pain management give consideration to
problems of impaired physical mobility like pressure ulcer.
* 0.9% Sodium chloride
# 0.9% Sodium chloride is also known as Normal saline.It is under classification of
Isotonic solutions and used for the treatment of dehydration and hyponatremia.
* Dex5 0.9%NS
# It's another name is D5 Normal saline is a Hypertonic solution used to treatment of
low blood sugar and water loss.
* KCL/Dextrose
Potassium chloride in Dextrose is under classification of Hypertonic solution used to
treatment of fluid and elecrolyte imbalance like hypokalemia.