
In: Physics

(Optics) Write a program in Matlab that can plot the amplitude and energy reflection and transmission...

Write a program in Matlab that can plot the amplitude and energy reflection and transmission coefficients for both polarizations as functions of incidence angle for any incidence dielectric medium into any other dielectric medium.


Expert Solution

e1= % permittivity value of medium-1

u1= %permeability value of medium-1

e2= % permittivity value of medium-2

u2= %permeability value of medium-2

theta1= % angle of incidence

n1=sqrt(e1*u1) %refractive index of medium-1

n2=sqrt(e2*u2) %refractive index of medium-1

theta2= asin(sin(theta1)*(n1/n2)) % snell’s law

% for p-polarization

ampref=((n2*cos(theta1))-(n1*cos(theta2)))/((n2*cos(theta1))+(n1*cos(theta2))) %amplitude reflection coefficient

amptra= (2*n1*cos(theta1))/( (n2*cos(theta1))+(n1*cos(theta2))) % amplitude transmission coefficient

eneref= ampref*ampref %energy reflection coefficient



enertran=( amptra * amptra)*alpha*beta %energy transmission coefficient

% for s-polarization

ampref2=((n1*cos(theta1))-(n2*cos(theta2)))/((n1*cos(theta1))+(n2*cos(theta2))) %amplitude reflection coefficient

amptra2= (2*n2*cos(theta1))/( (n1*cos(theta1))+(n2*cos(theta2))) % amplitude transmission coefficient

eneref2= ampref2*ampref2 %energy reflection coefficient



enertran2=( amptra 2* amptra 2)*alpha2*beta2 %energy transmission coefficient

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