
In: Nursing

Test Preparation Strategy's: The Wealth in Sharing In Preparation to this Week's Comprehensive Assessment (1), share...

Test Preparation Strategy's: The Wealth in Sharing

In Preparation to this Week's Comprehensive Assessment (1), share with your fellow peers, at least one test preparation strategy that you find useful.


Expert Solution

Answer :

what is comprehensive assessment : it refers to the co ordinated system of multiple assessment for each which is valid and realible for its specified purpose and for the population with which it will be used to that organises information about the process and context of students learning and development .

IN ABOVE QUESTION - share with your fellow peers at least one test preparation strategy that you find useful :

  • for my test preparation instarted each week by reading the out line of the subject what the lectures are teached in the class and i did skimming through the lectures notes and extra readings in the text book assignments .
  • i did this steps in normal pace.
  • i normally would underline the important points in the class.
  • i use to search for the extra matter in web that would help me to get maximum in my tests.
  • i use to right the difficulty terms,and i would like to define these terms in my own words that would help me to understand the subject easily .
  • i would do the meditation for remembering and increase my memory that will help in the exams to write in better way .
  • i will refer the class work books , and hidden notes what the lectures told in notes .
  • finally i Dad the outline of the subject again for rememberence purpose .

Through this points ,i think this will be useful test preparation strategies .

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