
In: Accounting

Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that...

Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that information is not shared and communication within the organization is inadequate. On January 14th 2018, Roxanne Padmore was assigned the task of selecting and implementing an investment management software at the People’s Bank. The software was intended to eradicate the need for paper and enhance the execution of transaction between various departments. Some of the eventual users of the software included the compliance, audit, investment execution and wealth management departments. The team selected for implementing the software comprised primarily of personnel from the wealth management department. The software selected by Ms. Padmore and her project team is now being used by the organization. At the end of the implementation process employees complained that the software selected was not user friendly and the software previously used was more effective. Employees also indicated that although Ms. Padmore surveyed the organization on the preferred choice of software, the eventual choice was not the best and cost millions of dollars. The software chosen by Ms. Padmore and her team was the leading brand in many developed countries, used by many banks and the Journal of Investment Management Software stated “it was highly effective and lead to long run cost savings”. However, employees have indicated that the software was not user friendly and has many deficiencies. Furthermore, the use of the software prevents employees from fulfilling critical job functions. Moreover, John Smith an employee in the Compliance Department stated that “the software did not take into consideration the peculiarities of the Caribbean and assumed that one size fits all.” Ms. Padmore and the wealth management team that were responsible for implementation have all left the organization. a) Evaluate the situation above using a change management model. (10) b) Discuss how trust may be cultivated at the People’s Bank. (5) c) Assess the characteristics that would be necessary for a change agent to succeed at the People’s Bank? Propose strategies to ensure the success of the change agent. (5) d) Evaluate the importance of communicating in effectively managing change at the People’s Bank and recommend a communication policy that should be adopted (10) e) Discuss with the appropriate model what steps can be undertaken to reduce resistance to change at the People’s Bank. (10) f) Discuss three assessment tools that can be used at the People’s Bank. (5) g) How can SIPOC be used at the People’s Bank (5) h) Recommend polices or measures to foster innovation at the People’ Bank. (10)


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Answer :

10 (a) There are many change management model some are as follow:-

  • Lewin's change management model:A 3-step approach to change behavior that reflects the process of melting and reshaping an ice cube.
  • ADKAR model: A people-centered approach to facilitate change at the individual level.
  • Kotter's 8-step change model: A process that uses employee's experience to reduce resistance and accept change.
  • Kubler-Ross change curve: A strategy that breaks down how people process change using the 5 stages of grief.
  • McKinsey 7s model: A process centered around the alignment seven fundamental elements of any organization
  • PDCA: A cyclical and iterative change management process focused on continuous improvement.
  • Bridges Transition Model A people-centered model focused on managing people's experience transitioning to change.

In this case management shall choose any of model as per their requirment.

10 (b) Managing resistance to change is an important part of the success of all change efforts in each company. Dealing with resistance in large part will depend on your ability to recognize the real sources or causes of resistance to change. Organizational change is an activity of transformation or modification of something in your organizational system. The main purpose of this activity is to make improvements in your business performances. You can’t find a person who would like to implement change if that change process brings results with which the organization will become worse or there will not be any improvements.the emplyoee of bank shall co operate with managment. and understand the need of new software.

10(c)  characteristics of change;-


Consistent Communication

Training and Goal Setting


after adhering these characteristics the management will succeed .


For implementing a change program successfully, communication is the key and one of the most complex parameters as it involves an exchange of ideas and feelings with people in an organization through various mediums. It is one of the toughest issues which an organization is faced with during the entire process of implementation of change. Effective communication must involve the following components:

  • The message which is being sent by the individual must be clear and vividly presented. The message must radiate authenticity and genuinity.
  • The recipient of the message must listen attentively, ask questions for clarifications and share feedback on the interpretation of the message.
  • The method of delivery of the message must be compatible with the circumstances of both the sender of the message as well as the recipient.
  • The message content must be able to connect well with the beliefs and thoughts of the recipient for being able to be acceptable.
  • Advantages: Communication brings people closer together. (connection) Communication can identify problems.

  • Promotes Understanding.
  • Build and Maintain Relationships.
  • Builds trust.
  • Exchange of thoughts and Ideas.

10(e) steps to reduce the resistance of change are as follows;-

  1. Change Creates Anxiety and Uncertainty.
  2. Your Expectations Play a Role in Employee Resistance.
  3. Communication and Input Reduce Resistance.
  4. Forming a Leadership Team.
  5. Manage Resistance to Change.
  6. Communicate the Change.
  7. Empower Employees to Contribute.

10(f) Three assesment are tools are as follows;-

  1. change impact assesment
  2. organisational readines assesment
  3. stake holder analysis

10(g) sipoc model in banks;-

SIPOC is a method to properly describe the transformation process within a company that offers products and/or services. It’s a tool for process improvement that summarises the input and output of one or multiple processes in tables. SIPOC is an acronym for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Output and Customers, also the names of the columns. The tool was born in the ’80s and is a programme within quality systems such as Six Sigma, Kaizen and Lean manufacturing.

This model are very useful in banks.


5 big Banking innovations

  • Expanding Open Banking. ...
  • Commitment to Physical and Digital Delivery. ...
  • AI-Driven Predictive Banking. ...
  • Customers are taking more control of their data. ...
  • Cardless ATM service.

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Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that...
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Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that...
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Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that...
Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that information is not shared and communication within the organization is inadequate. On January 14th 2018, Roxanne Padmore was assigned the task of selecting and implementing an investment management software at the People’s Bank. The software was intended to eradicate the need for paper and enhance the execution of transactions between various departments. Some of the eventual users of the software included the compliance, audit,...
Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that...
Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that information is not shared and communication within the organization is inadequate. On January 14th 2018, Roxanne Padmore was assigned the task of selecting and implementing an investment management software at the People’s Bank. The software was intended to eradicate the need for paper and enhance the execution of transaction between various departments. Some of the eventual users of the software included the compliance, audit,...
Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that...
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Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that...
Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that information is not shared and communication within the organization is inadequate. On January 14th 2018, Roxanne Padmore was assigned the task of selecting and implementing an investment management software at the People’s Bank. The software was intended to eradicate the need for paper and enhance the execution of transaction between various departments. Some of the eventual users of the software included the compliance, audit,...
Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that...
Employees at the People’s Bank do not trust management and there is a shared perception that information is not shared and communication within the organization is inadequate. On January 14th 2018, Roxanne Padmore was assigned the task of selecting and implementing an investment management software at the People’s Bank. The software was intended to eradicate the need for paper and enhance the execution of transaction between various departments. Some of the eventual users of the software included the compliance, audit,...
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Citizen Bank employees shows little trust for its management team and it is aware that information...
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