
In: Chemistry

Select six molecules introduced in this unit and create a model of the molecular structure of...

Select six molecules introduced in this unit and create a model of the molecular structure of each using the drawing tools of Microsoft Word. Make sure that you include both covalent and ionic molecules. Additionally, create a visual model of the following molecules: difluoromethane CH2F2, ethane C2H6, hydrogen peroxide H2O2, and acetylene C2H2. Research the properties and common uses of each molecule. Write a 5-paragraph essay on the formation and type of molecular bonds. Include your representation of the molecules as examples. Label each molecule and describe the properties of each. Consider how the molecular structure and type of bonds impacts the properties of the molecule. Can you please respond to this question in a word document so I can read it and understand it completely instead of handwritten. Also please write a 5-paragraph essay on the formation and type of molecular bonds.


Expert Solution

The six simplest molecules we can select without the given unit will be

CH4 : methane (covalent)

H2O : water (covalent)

NaCl : sodium chloride (ionic)

MgCl2 : magnesium chloride (ionic)

CaO : calcium oxide (covalent)

The visual model of the given molecules will be:

There are three types of molecular bonds which are preent between molecules of a compound

1) covalent bond: these bonds are formed by sharing of bond pair of electrons between two atoms.

These bonds are strong bonds. These are of two types

a) sigma bond: formed due to head to head overlaping of orbitals

b) pi bond: formed due to sideways overlaping of orbitals and are weaker then covalent bonds

2) Ionic bond: the bonds which are formed between two ions .

a) cation : formed due to loss of electrons : hence is positive

b) anion: formed due to gain of electrons and hence is negative

These are generally formed between highly elecropositive elements and highly electronegative elements

3) weak van der waal forces : the force of attraction between molecules or atoms due to some attraction other than electrovalent or ionic attraction.

4) hydrogen bond : the bond formed between an electronegative element ( F,O,N) and hydrogen bonded to another electronegative bond (F,O,N)

So these are the bond

a) CH2F2 : Only covalent bonds are present

b) H2O2: covalent and hydrogen bonds are present

c) C2H2 : covalent bonds are present

One sigma bond and two pi bonds

d) C2H6 : only covalent bonds are presnt

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