In: Finance
What type of seasonal behavior commonly occurs at work places ? If possible, give the percentages of the annual values for each quarter or month and indicate the company or industry of your choice. What type of management problems are created by the seasonality, and how do (or might) managers cope with them? Respond directly to the questions.
The seasonal behaviour to assist supported employees understand what is, and what is not, appropriate workplace behaviour. It can be used by trainers to encourage discussion of a range of topics including punctuality, language and appropriate clothing for work. The resource can be used with small groups or in a one-on-one setting.
Make sure you have all the relevant equipment to show the scenarios. You might conduct a session using one computer, or you might choose to conduct a session using a projector and a large screen.
It has been developed to be used as a stand-alone training program. You could also integrate it into a larger training program that your workplace may already have in place.
The seasonality employees to help offset the increased activity expected in stores. This determination was made by examining traffic patterns from previous holiday seasons and using that information to extrapolate what may be expected in the coming season. Once the season is over, a number of the temporary employees will be released as they are no longer needed based on the post-season traffic expectations.
To calculate the seasonality rate, analysts start with a full year of data, and they find the average number for each month or quarter. The ratio between the actual number and the average determines the seasonal factor for that time period. Imagine a business earns $144,000 over a course of a year, and $18000 in June. Its average monthly revenue is $13,000, making June's seasonality factor 1.38.
The following year, revenue during June climbs to $25,000. When divided by the seasonality factor, the result is $15624, and when multiplied by 12, that makes the SAAR $187488, indicating growth factor .
The importance of tidy work spaces in the workplace. If possible, identify untidy work spaces and recent workplace occurrences as a result of these. Identify how an untidy work space could be a workplace hazard.
Use recent workplace examples to discuss problem solving and highlight positive outcomes. Talk with learners about the importance of dealing with a problem rather than ignoring it. Discuss the difference between problems employees can solve themselves and problems they should report to their supervisor. Resources in the ‘When I’m at work’ series have been developed to help supported employees identify a process for solving problems.
Fixing workplace hazards
*Identify to list some workplace hazards. And they would do if they found some of these hazards in the workplace. Identify the difference between hazards that learners should fix and hazards they should report.
The predictable change or pattern in a time series that recurs
or repeats over a one-year period can be said to be seasonal.
Seasonal effects are different from cyclical effects, as seasonal
cycles are contained within one calendar year, while cyclical
*Doing things the right way Provide the example of when something was not done the right way in the workplace. Highlight the results of doing something the right way in the workplace which achieved commendable results.
· types of problems. 1) truly generic. 2) Truly unique.3) generic, but unique for the situation 4) new generic problem.
· First identify whether the problem is generic or unique. Misery loves company. It’s great to know if the problem you’re facing is a problem that others have faced. Chances are you’re not alone.
· Treat the root cause, not the symptoms. To find the cause, you need to ask "Why?" You might need to ask "why?" multiple times.
· Leverage the experience of others. How have others solved the problem? Who can you learn from? Who else might share the problem?
· Use a principle-based approach to solving problems. This builds on the idea of leveraging the experience of others. What’s the underlying pattern or principle of the solution. For example, I know one of the underlying principles for influence is "rapport before influence." Knowing this, I adapt that principle to a variety of scenarios, whether it’s pitching a project or coaching a teammate.
The management reduce common behaviour problems are described along with a description of the behavioural model. Given that the conceptual focus of this textbook is behavioural, we discuss the misunderstandings of the behavioural model. Finally, behavioural ethics are highlighted via position statements from the Association for Behaviour Analysis. Essentially, these statements lay out the rights individuals have to effective behavioural treatments and to an effective education. If we use effective management methods derived from the research literature, we can make significant positive gains and survive the organisation benefits.
While seasonally adjusted (SA) rates try to ameliorate
differences between seasonal variations, not seasonally adjusted
(NSA) rates do not take into account seasonal ebbs and flows.
Concerning a set of information, NSA data corresponds to the
information's annual rate.