In: Psychology
Next, separate the participants into two groups by using range matching (decide on your acceptable ranges in advance, for example, within 5 pounds).
a.)Match as many pairs of female participants as possible: find a match and randomly assign one to the first group, and the other to the second group. Next, do the same for the male participants.
b.)Next, match not only on gender, but also on weight.
c.)Finally, match the participants on all three variables.
3.) Finally, match the 40 participants on gender, weight, and height, using rank-ordered matching.
40 Participants to be matched:
Name Gender Weight (lbs.) Height (in.)
#1. Anna BoFanna F 110 60
2. Sandy Beach F 140 70
3. Chuck Wagon M 200 72
4. Ken Garoo M 180 70
5. Seymour Clearly M 190 71
6. Phil O’Dendron M 210 74
7. Rhoda Dendron F 120 65
8. Pete Moss M 150 68
9. Howie Dooit M 160 70
10. Willy Makeit M 180 70
11. Betty Won’t F 100 63
12. Al Gebra M 190 72
13. Carol Ofthebells F 95 55
14. Harold Bethyname M 240 76
15. Andy Walkswithme M 250 75
16. Rod Andreel M 220 72
17. Stu Potts M 190 69
18. Sharon Sometimetogether F 108 65
19. Clara Asabell F 115 68
20. Allyson Wonderland F 118 68
21. April Showers F 110 63
22. Ben Dover M 190 69
23. Hugh Gottabekiddinme M 200 72
24. May Flowers F 130 70
25. June Blossoms F 100 60
26. Helen Highwater F 135 68
27. Sam Iam M 195 69
28. Mike Robiology M 215 72
29. Maye Beeso F 134 67
30. Polly Warner-Cracker F 109 54
31. Rick O’Chet M 140 64
32. Bill Board M 180 70
33. I. C. Freeze M 190 71
34. Barry Um M 200 72
35. Raye Dium F 112 67
36. Helena Baskit F 114 66
37. Summer Rayne F 96 65
38. Deniece Denephew F 122 69
39. Goldie Lox F 105 63
40. Cindy Rella F 124 68
The groups we made are
a) Within 150 pounds |
b) more than 150 pounds |
gender |
weight |
height |
gender |
weight |
height |
F1 110 60 F2 140 70 F3 120 65 M1 150 68 F4 100 63 F5 95 55 F6 108 65 F7 115 68 F8 118 68 F9 110 63 F10 130 70 F 11 100 60 F12 135 68 F13 134 67 F14 109 54 M 2 140 64 F15 112 67 F16 114 66 F17 96 65 F18 122 69 F19 105 63 F20 124 68 |
M1 200 72 M2 180 70 M3 190 71 M4 210 74 M5 160 70 M6 180 70 M7 190 72 M8 240 76 M9 250 75 M10 220 72 M11 190 69 M12 190 69 M13 200 72 M14 195 69 M15 215 72 M16 180 70 M17 190 71 M18 200 72 |
RANGE-1 (F4 100 63)(F5 95 55) (F6 108 65) (F9 110 63) (F11 100 60) (F14 109 54) (F17 96 65) (F19 105 63)
RANGE-2 (F3 120 65) (F7 115 68) (F8 118 68) (F10 130 70) (F15 112 67) (F16 114 66) (F18 122 69) (F20 124 68)
RANGE-3 (F2 140 70) (M1 150 68) (F12 135 68) (F13 134 67) (M2 140 64)
RANGE-1 (M2 180 70) (M5 160 70) (M6 180 70) (M16 180 70)
RANGE-2 (M1 200 72) (M3 190 71) (M4 210 74) (M7 190 72) (M11 190 69) (M12 190 69) (M14 195 69) (M17 190 71) (M18 200 72) (M13 200 72)
RANGE-3 (M8 240 76) (M9 250 75) (M10 220 72) (M15 215 72)
RANK ORDER MATCHING - (90-110)(111-130)(131-150) (151-180)(181-210)(211-250)
RANK1 (F4 100 63)(F5 95 55) (F6 108 65) (F9 110 63) (F11 100 60) (F14 109 54) (F17 96 65) (F19 105 63)
RANK2 (F3 120 65) (F7 115 68) (F8 118 68) (F10 130 70) (F15 112 67) (F16 114 66) (F18 122 69) (F20 124 68)
RANK3 (F2 140 70) (M1 150 68) (F12 135 68) (F13 134 67) (M2 140 64)
RANK4 (M2 180 70) (M5 160 70) (M6 180 70) (M16 180 70)
RANK5 (M1 200 72) (M3 190 71) (M4 210 74) (M7 190 72) (M11 190 69) (M12 190 69) (M14 195 69) (M17 190 71) (M18 200 72) (M13 200 72)
RANK6 (M8 240 76) (M9 250 75) (M10 220 72) (M15 215 72)