
In: Psychology

Describe the case of Henry Molaison also known as H. M. What did H.M's case tell...

Describe the case of Henry Molaison also known as H. M. What did H.M's case tell psychologists about the role of the hippocampus in memory? Identify the role of two of these structures in memory ;a) cerebellum b) amygdala c) prefrontal cortex


Expert Solution

Henry Molaison suffered from epileptic seizures for many years since age 10, few years after he was struck unconscious in an accident with a bicyclist.When he turned 27 years old, H.M underwent surgery to control the persistent seizures. His front portion of hippocampus on both sides and parts of his amygdala were removed in the process. After the surgery H.M's seizures were controlled but he lost the ability to make conscious memories.He could not form or store any new memory.He also suffered from retrograde amnesia and did not remember any information that he had learned after the age of 16.

Henry Molaison, known as H.M in case studies, became the ideal research participant for understanding memory formation and role of parts of brain in it.

Before this case the role of hippocampus was not clearly known. After studying H.M's case, it was known that the anterior hippocampus and hippocampal gyrus either separately have an important role in the retention of new information and experience.

1. Amygdala is the center of emotional or affective arousal and its regulation. It modulates the storage and location of a memory based on how much an event or activity was able to activate the amygdala.

2.Cerebellum is involved in processing of procedural memory.It stores the learned sequence of steps especially motor movements.

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