
In: Nursing

compare and contrast essay: 2 careers

compare and contrast essay: 2 careers


Expert Solution

Nurses and teachers provide important services to the public. In general, both jobs are considered worthy of respect and are viewed in a positive light. Both nurses and teachers have the opportunity to influence the lives of the people they meet during their work. Although there are some similarities, there are many differences between the two professions.

What do nurses do

The main role of nurses is to care for patients. The exact definition of patient care depends on the environment in which a nurse works. In an emergency room, care can help save a patient's life. This means gathering information on patients' symptoms in a doctor's office, examining vital signs, or taking a medical history. In hospitals or nursing homes, nurses may need to help patients with personal hygiene, food or medications, answer calls, or dispense medications. Nurses may have supervisory responsibilities and direct the work of nurse aides, orderlies, and other nurses.

What teachers do

The main duty of the teacher is to impart knowledge to the students. While it is true that no one can force a student to study, teachers are looking for ways to reach even the most resistant student and encourage them to take advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. Teachers deliver lessons through lectures and classroom presentations, conduct textbook assignments, grade assignments and tests, maintain order in the classroom, and ensure the safety of the students in their care. Teachers often meet with parents at regularly scheduled conferences or as needed. Some teachers sponsor extracurricular activities such as academic meetings or the exercise team.

Important similarities

Nurses and teachers must undergo post-secondary training to learn their work. Although state requirements may vary, nurses and teachers must be licensed to conduct business within the state. Both jobs require "people skills" because they both need to interact closely with a representative sample of the population. Since teachers are a critical part of the educational system, nurses play an important role in medical care.

Big differences

An important difference between the two professions is the minimum education required. Teachers must have at least a bachelor's degree, and in some states, they must have a master's degree. Some registered nurses have bachelor's or master's degrees, but require minimal training to enter the nursing profession. A licensed vocational nurse can complete the training in about one year, and registered nurses can earn a two-year associate's degree. Working hours are usually another important difference. Most nurses work in hospitals and have to work full time, even on holidays and weekends. Teachers usually work Monday through Friday during what is considered normal working hours, although they sometimes meet with parents in the afternoons or for grading work outside of school hours. Teachers often have holidays and weekends if they do not participate in extracurricular activities.

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