In: Operations Management
Organisation selected : GE Healthcare.
The company belongs to GE conglomerate and it is into healthcare product business since last 100+ years.
They tried to differentiate themselves through quality of products, technology embedding research and development etc. One of the striking feature of GE healthcare is their product service and warranty features ( after sales services).
The company successfully using their Supplychain strategies to align properly with their focussed areas especially by reducing cost of transportation, storage and distribution. Along with they order fuofilfulfi through predefined service level is another attractive feature of GE healthcare..
Porter's five forces model :-.The company drives their avkue hain through reducing the impact from buying power of suppliers as they have multichannel and multiple level of suppliers to meet the requirements. In addition threat of new substitutes are controlled through innovative products development and technology advancements.
Value chain is derived through continuous improvement, training and drveldevelo of employees , engaging employees through better career guidance and motivation to enhance their commitment and involvement. In addition agile network analysis of Supplychain through colloborative support of 3 Pl , customers etc.