A firm uses the pure chase strategy of aggregate planning. It produced 1000 units in the...

A firm uses the pure chase strategy of aggregate planning. It produced 1000 units in the last period. Demand in the next period is estimated at 800, and demand over the next six periods (its aggregate planning horizon) is estimated to average 900 units. Which of the following tactics would be most representative of following a chase strategy?
  • add 100 units to inventory in the next period
  • add 200 units to inventory in the next period 
  • hire workers to match the 100-unit difference
  • lay off workers to match the 200-unit difference
  • implement a lower price point to increase demand

In: Other

3. Which of the following is most associated with managerial accounting?   a. must follow GAAP...

3. Which of the following is most associated with managerial accounting?

4. Which of the following is most associated with financial accounting?

5. Which of the following statements is false?

6. In most business organizations, the chief management accountant is called the


In: Other

The business analyst for Video Sales, Inc. wants to forecast yearly demand for DVD decoders based...

The business analyst for Video Sales, Inc. wants to forecast yearly demand for DVD decoders based on the following historical data:

5 years ago900
4 years ago700
3 years ago600
2 years ago500
Last year300

What is the forecast for this year using a three-year simple moving average? 

What is the forecast for last year using simple exponential smoothing with smoothing constant alpha = 0.4, if the forecast for two years ago was 750? 

What is the forecast for this year using simple exponential smoothing with smoothing constant alpha = 0.4, if the forecast for two years ago was 750? 

In: Other

Christopher's Cranks uses a machine that can produce 100 cranks per hour. The firm operates 12...

Christopher's Cranks uses a machine that can produce 100 cranks per hour. The firm operates 12 hours per day, five days per week. Due to regularly scheduled preventive maintenance, the firm expects the machine to be running during approximately 95% of the available time. Based on experience with other products, the firm expects to achieve an efficiency level for the cranks of 85%. What is the expected weekly output of cranks for this company?

In: Other

24. Four employees at a fast-food restaurant each perform one of the four activities in serving...

24. Four employees at a fast-food restaurant each perform one of the four activities in serving a customer: greet customer, take order, process order, and deliver order. The processing time for each activity is given as follows:


Processing time per customer

Greet customer

2 seconds

Take order

30 seconds

Process order

60 seconds

Deliver order

5 seconds

Assume demand is unlimited. If each employee is paid $7.50 per hour,

What is the cost of direct labor associated with serving one customer (show calculations)?

What is the labor content associated with serving one customer (show calculations)?

What is the average labor utilization (show calculations)?

What is the total idle time (show calculations)?

25. Given the following data at the drive-through of a bank,


Arrival Time

Service Time (minutes)













What is the processing time of the second customer?

What is the average processing time from 8:06 to 8:36?

What is the average interarrival time from 8:06 to 8:36?

Is there, on average, enough capacity to serve all customers (show calculations)?





In: Other

The Carbondale Hospital is considering the purchase of ambulance. The TheXarbondale Hospital is considering the purchase...

The Carbondale Hospital is considering the purchase of ambulance. The TheXarbondale Hospital is considering the purchase of ambulance. The decision will rest partly on the anticipated mileage" be driven next year. The miles driven during the past 5
years are as follows:













a) Forecast the mileage for next year using a 2-year moving average.
b) Find the MAD based on the 2-year moving average forecast in part (a), (Hint: You will have only 3 years of matched data.)
c) Use a weighted 2-year moving average with weights of .4 and .6 to forecast next year's mileage. (The weight of .6 is for the most recent year.) What MAD results from using this approach to forecasting? (Hint: You will have only 3 years of matched data.)
d) Compute the forecast for year 6 using exponential smoothing, an initial forecast for year 1 of 3,000 miles, and a = .5.



In: Other

JAVA You will be given a grocery list, filed by a sequence of items that have already been purchased.


 You will be given a grocery list, filed by a sequence of items that have already been purchased. You are going to determine which items remain on the the list and output them so that you know what to buy.

 You will be give an integer n that describes how many items are on the original grocery list. Following that, you will be given an array of n grocery list items (strings) that you need to buy. After your grocery list is complete, you will receive a list of items that had already been purchased. For each of these items, if it matches any item on your grocery list, you can mark that item as purchased. You will know that you are at the end of the list of items already purchased when you receive the string "DONE".

 At that point, you will output a list of items left to buy (each item on its own line).

 Write the body of the program called PoD. java to the left.


 The program reads in the following:

 an integer (n) defining the length of the original grocery list

 in strings that make up the grocery list a list of items that had already been purchased (strings)

 in strings that make up the grocery list a list of items that had already been purchased (strings)

 the string "DONE", marking the end of all required input


 Determine which items on the grocery list have already been purchased.


 Output the items from the grocery list that remain to be purchased (i.e. all items from the original n grocery items that were not

 included in the list of items already purchased). Each grocery item must be printed on its own line. The text must be

 purchased). Each grocery item must be printed on its own line. The text must be terminated by a new-line character.

In: Other

Which of the following statements about takt time and cycle time is true? A. Takt time...

Which of the following statements about takt time and cycle time is true?

A. Takt time only depends on demand, not capacity. Cycle time does depend on capacity.

B.  Takt time only depends on capacity, not demand. Cycle time does depend on demand.

C. Takt time and cycle time only depend on capacity.

D. Takt time and cycle time only depend on demand.

In: Other

Andrew Thomas, a sandwich vendor at Hard Rock Caf's annual Rockfest created a table of conditional...

Andrew Thomas, a sandwich vendor at Hard Rock Cafe's annual Rockfest created a table of conditional values for the various alternatives (stocking decision) and states of nature (size of crowd):




States of Nature                  
Big Average Small

Large Stock




Average Stock




Small Stock





The probabilities associated with the states of nature are 0.3 for a big demand, 0.5 for an average demand, and 0.2 for a small demand.

1. Determine the alternative that provides Andrew the greatest Expected Monetary Value. What is this EMV?

2. What is the expected value under certainty?

3. Compute the expected value of perfect information, (EVPI)

4. Determine the appropriate alternative under uncertainty using Maximin. Provide support for your answer.



In: Other

The demand for subassembly S is 100 units in week 7. Each unit of S requires...

The demand for subassembly S is 100 units in week 7. Each unit of S requires 1 unit of T and 2 units of U. Each unit of T requires 1 unit of V, 2 units of W, and 1 unit of X. Finally, each unit of U requires 2 units of Y and 3 units of Z. One firm manufactures all items. It takes 2 weeks to make S, 1 week to make T, 2 weeks to make U, 2 weeks to make V, 3 weeks to make W, 1 week to make X, 2 weeks to make Y, and 1 week to make Z.

On-hand inventory information is given as below:





















  1. Construct a product structure. Identify all levels, parents, and components.
  2. Construct a net material requirements plan (Hint. Use on-hand inventory table for this question)

In: Other

Consider the baggage check-in of a small airline. Check-in data indicate that from 9 a.m. to...

Consider the baggage check-in of a small airline. Check-in data indicate that from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., 255 passengers checked in. Moreover, based on counting the number of passengers waiting in line, airport management found that the average number of passengers waiting for check-in was 35. How long did the average passenger have to wait in line?

In: Other

What is the capacity of the milling machine (in tables per day) if the batch size is 10?

C & A Furniture uses a four-step process to make its famous wood table: Process - Processing Time (minutes) Milling-table top

C & A Furniture uses a four-step process to make its famous wood table: 

Process - Processing Time (minutes) 

Milling-table top-10 minutes 

Milling-table stand - 5 minutes 

Assembly - 15 minutes 

Finishing - 20 minutes 

The milling machine requires a setup time of 30 minutes to make table tops and a changeover time of 30 minutes to make table stands.C\&A works an 8 -hour day: What is the capacity of the milling machine (in tables per day) if the batch size is 10?

In: Other

The Arsenal of Trade Weaponry Trade policy instruments are designed with one thing in mind: protectionism....

The Arsenal of Trade Weaponry

Trade policy instruments are designed with one thing in mind: protectionism. Most are unambiguously pro-domestic producer and anti-consumer. Domestic producers mainly gain due to greater protection from foreign competition, whereas consumers lose by facing higher prices and lower product variety.

Governments intervene in international trade for political and economic reasons. Choices are abundant when selecting from the "arsenal" of trade weapons, including tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, voluntary export restraints (VERs), local content requirements (LCRs), administrative policies, and antidumping duties. Nations usually adopt trade regulations to achieve stated national objectives, but these regulations may have undesirable effects on many sectors of the economy, including higher prices for consumers, overproduction of agricultural products, and the insulation of nonefficient producers.

Roll over each example below to read a description. Then, drag the example to the correct trade instrument. Levied as a propo

In: Other

The business analyst for Video Sales, Inc. wants to forecast this year's demand for DVD decoders...

The business analyst for Video Sales, Inc. wants to forecast this year's demand for DVD decoders based on the following historical data: 

5 years ago900
4 years ago700
3 years ago600
2 years ago500
Last year300

What is the forecast for this year using the naive approach? 

What is the forecast for this year using a three-year weighted moving average with weights of .5, .3, and .2? 

What is the forecast for this year using exponential smoothing with alpha = .4, if the forecast for two years ago was 750? 

What is the forecast for this year using the least squares trend line for these data? 

What is the forecast for this year using trend-adjusted (double) smoothing with alpha = .3 and beta = .2, if the forecast for last year was 310, the forecast for two years ago was 430, and the trend estimate for last year's forecast was -150? 

The chair of the operations management department at Quality University wants to construct a p-chart for determining whether the four faculty teaching the basic POM course are under control with regard to the number of students who fail the course. Accordingly, he sampled 100 final grades from last year for each instructor, with the following results: 

InstructorNumber of Failures
Prof. A13
Prof. B0
Prof. C11
Prof. D16

What is the sample proportion of failures (p) for Prof. D? What is the estimate of the mean proportion of failures for these instructors? 

What is the estimate of the standard deviation of the sampling distribution for an instructor's sample proportion of failures? 

What are the .95 (5 percent risk of Type I error) upper and lower control limits for the p-chart? 

Using .95 control limits (5 percent risk of Type I error), which instructor(s), if any, should he conclude is (are) out of control?

In: Other

Mark Gershon, owner of a musical instrument distributorship, thinks that demand for guitars may be related...

Mark Gershon, owner of a musical instrument distributorship, thinks that demand for guitars may be related to the number of television appearances by the popular group Maroon 5 during the previous month. Gershon has collected the data shown in the following table:

Maroon 5 TV Appearances 4 5 7 7 8 5

           Demand for Guitars 4 5 6 6 10 7

a.) Using the least-squares regression method, the equation for forecasting is (round your responses to four decimal places) Y= _ + _x

b.) The correlation coefficient (r) for this model = __ (round your response to four decimal places).

The coefficient of determination (r squared) for this model is __ (round your response to four decimal places)

The percentage of variation in sales that can be explained by TV appearances = __% round your response to two decimal places)

In: Other