In: Nursing
Discuss the elements of inspection of an anterior and
posterior chest wall.
What are three factors that affect tactile
Discuss the five (5) factors that can affect
Part 2
What are normal heart sounds? Where are they best
heard? What do these heart sounds indicate?
What are abnormal heart sounds? What do these heart
sounds indicate?
What is a pulse deficit? How is it
Part 3
Identify the peripheral arterial pulses. Discuss the
grading scale for arterial pulses.
Discuss the grading scale for edema. What does the
presence of edema indicate?
1. Inspection is a active process done with observation . Initial process begins with watching the patient breathing pattern .
Posterior chest Inspection.
2. Tactile fremitus
It is vibration produced by the lungs
A. High pitched voice
B. It feels more in the thin patient than in obese patient as the ches is close to skin
C. Its felt more near the sternum and it decrease as you moves done because of increase in tissues
3 .
Part 2
Heart sound are the noise generated by the beating heart and the resulting blood flowing through it .
1.Normal Heart sound 2. Location where they heard 3. sound indication
- Sound like ' lubb '
- it is sound of mitral and tricuspid vavle closing simultaneously.
- It starts of systole
- Heard loudest at apex of the heart ( approximately at 5th intercostal space , midclavicular line on left )
- Sound like ' Dubb '
- Sound of simultaneous closing of pulmonic and aortic vavles
- its end systole
- Heard loudest at base of heart ( best over 2nd intercoastal space on right )
Abnormal heart sounds are and their indication
1. innocent - found in children caused by blood flow moving in heart
2. abnormal - due to congenital heart malformations
Pulse Deficit means the difference in the number of beats of the heart and of the pulse .
It is calculated by finding the difference between the apical and radial pulse
Part 3
1. The palpation of the high of blood moving away from the heart though vessel in the extremities .E.g. Radial, Brachial, femoral, Popliteal, Posterior tibial, dorsal pedis.
The intensity of the pulse is graded on a scale of 0 to 4
0 - refers to the nonpalpable pulse
1+ - refers to the barely detectable pulse
2+ - refers to diminished but greater than 1+
3+ - normal pusle easily palpable
4+ - stronger than normal
2.Edeam means accumulation of excessive amount of fluid in the extravascular space of the body.
1+ : less than 2mm disappears early
2+ : 2-4 mm disappears in10-15 sec
3+ : 4-6 mm last more than 1min
4+ : 6-8 min last more than 2 min
It indicates problems associated with kidney , heart and liver function etc