Subpart 1
- .kyphosis- abnormal anterior - posterior
curvature of spine.
- Scoliosis- Abnormal lateral curvature of
- Barrel chest- bulging out of
chest wall
- Pectus carinatum- sternum
protruding from the chest.
- Pectus excavatum- sternum
sunken in to the chest
Subpart 2
- Thickness of chest wall
- Pitch and intensity
- Relative location of bronchi to the chest wall
- Shallow breathing
- Airway obstruction
- Pneumothorax
- Pleural effusion
- Hyperinflation
- S1 and S2 are normal heart sounds
- S3 can be normal, but at times it can also be pathological
- S1 is best heard at apex of heart with stethoscope. S2 is also
heard , but S1 is louder than S2 at apex.
- S1- first heart sound- lub-- caused by turbulence caused by
closure of mitral and tricuspid valve at start of systole.
- S2--dub-- caused by closure of aortic and pulmonary valve at
end of systole
- Heart murmurs- most common abnormal heart sound- occours when
blood flows faster than normal rate through heart
- Galloping heart sound-includes S3 and S 4-
- noncomplint left ventricle produce s4
- Overly complaint left ventricle produce S 3
Subpart 3
- Pulse deficit is the difference between heart rate and the
palpable pulse, seen in atrial fibrillation.
- Pulse deficit-=apical pulse- radial pulse
Subpart 1
Peripheral Arterial pulse is detected on femeral, popliteal and
dorsalis pedia areas
Preipheral arterial pulse is graded form 0 to + 4
- 0=non palpable pulse
- 1+= faint but detectable pulse
- 2+=slightly more diminished pulse than normal
- 3+= normal pulse
- 4+= bounding pulse
Subpart 2-
- Oedema grading
- Grade 1; 2 mm depth, immediate rebound
- Grade 2; 4 mm depth, rebound in 15 seconds
- Grade 3; 6 mm depth, rebound in 10-39 seconds
- Grade 4; 8 mm depth, rebounds in more than 20 seconds
Presence of oedema is indicative of congestive heart failure,
kidney disease, liver disease, and severe lung condition
Subpart 3
- Sensitivity to cold
- Lack of blood supply
- Pallor
- Redness to toes
- Reduced sensation to touch
- Throbbing pain in fingers or toes.