In: Finance
Mr. Curtis was enlightened by the information you provided but would like to learn if there are alternative methods available for dealing with currency risks. He requests that you research material from the Library and/or the Internet to construct a memo of 2–3 pages on the differences between buying a call option, selling a call option, buying a put option, and selling a put option. Also, give an example of a business scenario in which it would be appropriate to use each of the contracts (a put and a call contract). If, instead, you chose to use the forward market, assume you were going to receive 100,000 Japanese yen in 6 months, and the current exchange rate is 5 yen to 1 U.S. dollar. How many yen would you sell or buy in the forward market? Be sure to cite all references using the appropriate citation format.
1) Suppose a farmer in Dec 2019 is cautiouof the Covid-19 situation and was farming a luxury crop and was afraid of prices falling down for that particular crop in the next 6 months. The farmer gets into a forward contract with a businessman and buys the right to sell these crops after 6 months at the current price (Dec 2019 price) This contract would be similar to the options contract (Long put)
In May 2020 the crops price fell and the farmer exercises his rights. Now the farmer will sell these crops to the businessman at the price agreed in Dec 2019 (mentioned in the contract) which is much higher than the market price in May 2020 and the businessman is obliged to buy it from the farmer at that price. The farmer hence hedged his position by burying such a contract at a premium from the businessman. Here the farmer is going Long put and the businessman is short put.
2) Taking the same above situation, The businessman buys a
contract from the farmer to purchase certain essentials crops and
paying the farmer premium amount. (Long call)
At the later date the prices have risen so the businessman buys
crops from the farmer at the rate decided earlier which would be
cheaper than the current market rate and sell it in the market at
the current market price for a good profit.
Here the businessman is going Long call and the farmer is going Short call.