1.) what are electron levels? Please describe.
2.) explain how the number of protons, electrons, neutrons and electron energy levels are related on the periodic table.
Motion of an election in a hydrogen atom corresponds to the
potential energy U(r) = − e^2/(4πε0r) ,
4πε0 r which comes from the Coulomb attraction between the
electron and the proton. Using the uncertainty
relation between the momentum of the electron, and its position,
estimate the size of the hydrogen atom.
Find the energy spectrum of a particle in the infinite square
well, with potential U(x) → ∞ for |x| > L and U(x) = αδ(x) for
|x| < L. Demonstrate that in the limit α ≫ hbar^2/mL, the low
energy part of the spectrum consists of a set of closely-positioned
pairs of energy levels for α > 0. What is the structure of
energy spectrum for α < 0?
a) An electron with 10.0 eV kinetic energy hits a 10.1 eV
potential energy barrier. Calculate the penetration depth.
b) A 10.0 eV proton encountering a 10.1 eV potential energy
barrier has a much smaller penetration depth than the value
calculated in (a). Why?
c) Give the classical penetration depth for a 10.0 eV particle
hitting a 10.1 eV barrier.
Calculate all of the energy levels for an electron in the finite
potential well of width a) L = 10 Å, b) L = 50 Å, c) L = 100 Å and
L = 1000 Å using the actual mass of an electron for the conduction
band of the AlGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well. Repeat problem using
a) the effective mass of an electron in GaAs (electron effective
mass meff = 0.067*mass of an electron)
An electron is confined by some potential energy well centered
about the origin, and is represented by the wave function ψ(x) =
Axe−x2/L2, where L = 4.48 nm. The electron's total energy is zero.
(a) What is the potential energy (in eV) of the electron at x = 0?
eV (b) What is the smallest value of x (in nm) for which the
potential energy is zero? nm
1. Consider an electron in a 1D harmonic oscillator potential.
Suppose the electron is in a state which is an equal mix of the
ground state and the first-excited state.
a) Write the time-dependent state in Dirac notation.
b) Calculate 〈x〉. Calculate 〈p〉 using raising and
lower operators.
c) Graph 〈x〉 as a function of time.