In: Nursing
Precontemplation is the stage at which there is no intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future. Many individuals in this stage are unaware or under-aware of their problems.It is the stage that comes before the contemplation
It is the stage of being planned wuth a deep thoughts.It also the state of being hardly thoughtful about something.
It is the process of making something ready for daily usages or under consideration.
In this stage, people have recently changed their behavior and intend to keep moving forward with that behavior change. People may exhibit this by modifying their problem behavior or acquiring new healthy behaviors.
Having a strong belief and confidence in the ability to change is a key element in this stage. That's why working toward small, attainable goals is important during the action stage.
Based on my scenario one mst have all those five stages which they may undergo based on their willing power. You should have a stong mind to keep in constant with maintanance and it usually took minimum of 6 month to reach the stage from action to maintenance.
You may be confident in some of your assumptions, and you may be sure that certain trends will continue in a predictable way.
Now, starting with your top uncertainty, take a moderately good outcome and a moderately bad outcome, and develop a scenario around each that combines your certainties with the outcome you've chosen.
Gathering data is sometimes difficult but the five steps help to structure your thinking and lead to a way of assessing feasible scenarios.
Habit: People are comfortable doing things the same way they have always done them.
Fear: People expect change to bring negative consequences.
Negative experience: Some audiences may have had a bad experience, such as with the health care system, and thus may be cynical or resistant to change.
Lack of Feedback
Lack of Immediate Consequences
Identifying Solutions.